whoo we're in our place!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
Moncton, NB
We're in out apt! Yay! I'm so excited, it's really nice place too and downtown so easy to walk to everything. Moved in on the 1st and yesterday we unpacked the last boxes. We have a lot of stuff lol We put up some of the pictures and things and I put up some of our curtains and blinds but we still have some pictures that need putting up. Though I need to get my friend John to help because I need a power drill. Screwing things in by hand is not fun lol The girls seem happy to finally be in one spot. They're in the spare room that is by the living room so they can see us. We were going to make that room theirs but we have so much other junk that that room is kinda storage.
Ang made a play pen ting out of cardboard until we find something better for them. So glad to be in here though, no more moving around for a while!
yes! Especially knowing I won't have to move to go back to University in September because I'm done! yay! well minus the online course I have to do.
YAY!!!!!!! Congratulations, you two!! Just make sure that when you are putting up pictures and curtains and blinds that you don't put the nails and screws just into the drywall! We are having a nightmare right now with all of that messy business! LOL! Youll figure out the storage thing eventually.... we had to get a 3 bedroom so that we would have storage in one room and the ferrets in another, LOL! The rats weren't an issue back then... boy do things change! :lol2: :giggle: You'll have to take pictures! I keep meaning to post mine but haven't yet, LOL!

Congrats again!!! How exciting! :happydance: :bliss:
yeah we put up some pictures and did the anchor thing. Such a pain in the ass and holy frack the curtains were a pain in the ass to put up too because I didn't have a power drill and I'd be damned if I had to get a man come and do it lol a little bit of stubborn radical feminist coming out there lol
although my friend john does have to help me put up some of the bigger pictures 'cause he has the tools and i don't..yet! lol I'll have to take pictures once I find my camera lol
lindsayfawn said:
yeah we put up some pictures and did the anchor thing. Such a pain in the ass and holy frack the curtains were a pain in the ass to put up too because I didn't have a power drill and I'd be damned if I had to get a man come and do it lol a little bit of stubborn radical feminist coming out there lol
although my friend john does have to help me put up some of the bigger pictures 'cause he has the tools and i don't..yet! lol I'll have to take pictures once I find my camera lol
Ours are up with tacks until my dad comes down again!
yup.. i love it.. cant wait till i have a new routine so im not rushing around before work... lol
and the girls seem to like it there.. they dont seem stressed at all.. i figured they would be a bit stressed for at least a week.. they must be just content cause they have both their mommies there with them... :joy: