who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
moncton, new brunswick, canada
ok.. so im board... and was just thinking random things like... who would i like to be stuck in an elevator with... my first thought would be linds of course (not to get all mushy on all you's lol)... cause i love her ... and know i can talk to her.. and even if we are together not saying anything.. its ok.. there is never any uncomfortable silences .. ect ect........ ... then i was thinking.. well what star would i like to be stuck in an elevator with... and i had a few pop into my head... jamie oliver.. cause hes a wicked cool chef and i bet he could give me lots of cool tips and ideas.... also would be cool to be stuck with lischa hailey from l word.. she seems really outgoing .. and shes pretty hot!! lol
then i thought.. im kinda star struck.. so maybe it would just be best to be stuck in an elevator with linds..lol... if i was with someone famous..i wouldnt know what to say?? :oops: lol... prolly end up making a fool out of myself haha.. and even when i make a complete idiot of myself with linds.. its oooookay... :thumbup: i can still laugh at myself haha

who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with...?? i already know who jacksparrow wants :p "caughjohnnydeppcaugh" hehe :lol: sooooo cute
Oooo yay randomness! :D I was actually thinking about this the other day, but it was more of me being stuck by myself and what I'd do. :p

How long are we hypothetically stuck in the hypothetical elevator?

I'd totally want to be stuck with Katherine Heigl. I'd hyperventilate/die, but it'd be so worth it. *dreams* I think the situation might be awkward, because we ARE stuck in an elevator, but I imagine after the first 10 minutes we'd have to get over it. And I'd have to start breathing again (wait, did I she get on the elevator when I was already on? Or did I get on when she was already on? Or... did we get on at the same floor? Hmm... That would tell me how much time I had to react to her even being IN the elevator, let alone stuck in one...) I just hope I'd have my camera on me... Man that'd be so cool! Now I'm going to think about this for a long time.

I wouldn't mind being stuck with Steve Carell or Seth Rogen or Jonah Hill or Judd Apatow, either. Hmm or maybe perhaps P. Diddy. I bet we'd have an interesting conversation. Or one of the girls from the tv show "Girls Next Door", but it'd have to be Holly. She's the only one I can stand on TV let alone in RL. Or what about Beyonce? I bet we'd get out in a jiffy with her in there. Or Obama. I'd like to speak to him about some things.

If it had to be someone I knew... Probably any of my sisters, but more than likely either Violet or Sharisse. Or John I suppose. He'd entertain me.

I know who I'd NOT want to be stuck on an elevator with: Tanner. The kid does not like em already and I can just imagine the fun that'd be. 0.0 And for that matter, none of my sisters' kids either. Or my neighbor.
Heh. I was stuck in an elevator with a guy I used to like and he knew it...only he thought I still liked him and wanted to pursue it. We were in there for 5 hours before security wrenched open the doors enough for me to wriggle out and drop down into one person's arms, accidentally kicking the door shut behind me. 0:) He was there another two hours, lol. Ahem.

Ummm. Amazing how much thought this takes. James Herriot, if he were still alive. He's such an amazing storyteller, I grew up idolizing him.

Then again I just saw Atonement so James McAvoy wouldn't be bad either. :p He seems like he has a pretty darn level head on his shoulders. I have no idea why I find him so interesting. o_O
Wasn't he also the faun in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe?

I daresay he'd be highly entertaining. :p Hehehee! James Herriot is a good one too...

There's too many people I'd be fine with being stuck in an elevator with. LMFAO
Yes he is! :D I didn't know that until I Googled the name wonder what other movies he did. He was really good in The Last King of Scotland. Not sure I could watch that one again though! It was pretty intense.

Though fine he's awfully good to look at. ;) I allowed myself to think this way when I realized he's 25 or something, rather than 18 which was my first guess.
LOL!!! He is pretty nice to look at.

That's right! He WAS in The Last King of Scotland... I love that movie! Poor Kerri Washington. 0.0 How did I not remember that... My brain is starting to shut down. :p
It was really good! :D But...that torture scene at the end. 0.0 Eep! There wasn't enough "happy" there for me, lol. But for a one time viewing, it was really great.

Oh man, 2:14 am. I told myself I'd get a well deserved sleep tonight. Go Bronwyn.
If I had to be stuck in an elevator with someone, I'd like it to be the guy who fixes stuck elevators. :D He would have all his tools with him and if he couldn't get it going again - within one or two minutes - he'd have a really long ladder that I could climb to the next floor. (I've never been stuck in an elevator, but I know I wouldn't enjoy the experience. I get just a little claustrophobic!) :nod:
Yeah I'm not going to watch it any time soon. Once or twice is fine. :p

Wouldn't you know the flippin elevator stalled when I went to get ice?! Isn't that something?! And all I was thinking was "Angie practically predicted this. Where is Katherine Heigl?!!" Luckily it only stalled for a few moments (it does that every now and then, it's touchy, that left elevator... the right one never does that.)

Hmph. Now I'm a smidge disappointed. LOL
James Herriott
Terry Pratchett
Jo with all of her rats with her... Maybe going to the vet for an un-necessary check-up where they are all fine but with her for a reason that makes sense
Sully Erna from Godsmack if he didn't have any cigarettes *cough, gag*
HUGH frickin' LAURIE *dies*
Mark Wahlberg, nuf said.
Or if we're not going for looks, then someone funny like Debra Giovanni
Lol Kevin.. elevator fixit guys need to fix it on the outside, not the inside.

Stuck in an elevator with a celebrity would have me extremely nervous and uncomfortable. Besides, there's really nobody that I'd like to meet. But if I HAD to be stuck in an elevator, I'd have to say Nic, my sister cause we have loads of fun together and we'd be great company.
jorats said:
Lol Kevin.. elevator fixit guys need to fix it on the outside, not the inside.

Not necessarily. If it was wiring or something, he might need to be inside the box. If he can't fix it, he'd have that really long ladder - so I'd be saved either way! :D

To be honest, I think you need to consider not just who you'd want to have next to you in a stuck elevator, but how that person would handle being stuck in an elevator.

I think many celebrities would probably freak out under these circumstances. There'd be no one to bring them chilled Perrier and grovel at their feet. There'd be no M&M sorters - people who would ensure that the red ones never touched the green ones. There'd be no one to make sure the elevator was painted a special colour to ensure it would meet their approval during their extended stay. There'd be no one to disinfect the elevator every 15 seconds. There'd be no one to ensure that the elevator carpet was made with only the finest materials and hand-knotted by young children working by candlelight in sweatshops. That kind of thing! :lol:
Hmm... umm... not my fiance, he would get wrestless and drive me nuts.

Hot Celebrity: Jake Gylenhaal.

Dead Celebrity: John Candy.

Author (alive): JK Rowling

Author (dead): Richard Brautigan.

Real people: My next door neighbour, as long as we had some books
LOL Kevin!! Probably. *strikes P. Diddy, Holly, and Beyonce off her list* I think the rest of them will be ok. They seem human. :p
"Wouldn't you know the flippin elevator stalled when I went to get ice?! Isn't that something?! And all I was thinking was "Angie practically predicted this. Where is Katherine Heigl?!!" Luckily it only stalled for a few moments (it does that every now and then, it's touchy, that left elevator... the right one never does that.)
Hmph. Now I'm a smidge disappointed. LOL"

hahahhaha cait.. sorry you were disapointed.. :lol2:
LOL I forgive you this time. :p

Next time Katherine Heigl better be in the elevator. Or atleast someone. LOL Hehehhee!