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Active Member
Sep 7, 2007
North America
None of my rats use wheels, is that normal? I was just reading the post about the Wodent Wheel and it reminded me how I've wanted to ask around about it. I've offered wheels, not Wodent ones, but large solid ones nonetheless and they were never a go with any of them.
Your rats are older so I would guess that perhaps they are just not energetic enough anymore for the wheels. My young rats still run their wheels but my older guys couldn't be bothered so much anymore.
some rats use them, some don't :D

My older girl that is almost 2 still uses it, and my oldest male that has a bad backside still uses it...of course, he doesn't run, he walks REALLY slow in it, but he still uses it..LOL
I never considered their age, you're right, it makes sense. Explains why they seem to gravitate towards naps in their hammocks over everything else, lol. They're not big on all the toys I give them. I guess they're getting older and they just want some R n R. lol
From what I understand, they have to be introduced to the wheel at a very early age, and then its usually the females that like to run. The only rats I have had use the wheel are Pansy and Petunia. They spent the first 8 months or so of their lives in a 10 gallon tank with just a hamster wheel and a water bottle before I rescued them.

My other three girls came from a reputable breeder and had toys to play with, but no wheel until about 3 months of age when I put them in with my other 2 girls, who had a wodent wheel. They played on it at first, but once the novelty wore off and they were done figuring it out, they got bored with it. I wish they'd use it more because it seems like its good exercise for them.
Not necessarily, I've had older rescues start running the wheel, and not having been exposed to one ever. Also, my males love the wheels as much as the females too.
I guess it goes with each rats interest. They are all unique.
I've found it to be an individual thing. Same with the ball, some will try is and take to it, others will just sit and freak & poop. Like some of us like to play sports or knit and some don't, I guess.