What to feed

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Active Member
Nov 3, 2011
So after doing a bunch of research I read that lab blocks are the best and bought Kaytee forti diet pro-health. Now I find out its one of the worst lab blocks.... SIGH. :emb: So tell me what everyone here feeds their rats? I bought them rat mix as well and know now they shouldn't have that either. So lead me in the right direction. I can't order things online, the pet stores we have here are Pet value, global pet food and pet smart. I am in Trenton, Ontario.
Also what do you give for treats. Applesauce and oatmeal?
I'm pretty sure both those stores should carry Extrusion for Hamsters which is a pretty decent block for rats.
As treats, mine love veggies. They get theirs every day. Bananas, peas, grapes those make pretty good treats. As an occasional much loved treat mine get Multigrain Cheerios.
Block is 80% of diet and always available in their cage:
Harlan Tech 2014 from http://chinchilla.ca/ , or oxbow Regal Rat, or Hagen/Living World hamster extrusian

Daily vegs and occassional treats are the other 20% of their diet :

vegs such as broccoli, kale, fresh or frozen/thawed corn, peas, raw or cooked carrots, field greens, cooked colliflower, etc
other treats such as: slice of banana, piece of apple, strawberry, rasberry, blueberry, watermelon, cantelope, piece of cooked sweet potato, etc
boiled or scrambled egg, cooked oatmeal, dried organic unsalted pumpkin seeds, cerals such as spoon sized shredded wheat, cheerios, puffed wheat, etc

watch out for salt and sugar.
As for treats, those little gerber rice puff baby snack-things are a HUGE hit over here, and they come in so many flavours:

As well as organic fruit snacks every once in a while, and a bit of cooked pasta. I also give them some baby food that they can lick from my fingers, especially with the newer rats, because I think it helps build some trust with them.
I have a ten month old baby so the puffs and baby food are easy! Right now we have Zesty tomato corn puffs and I will give them one right now. I have lots of different baby foods for my son is any kind ok. Should I just stick with the plain jars of fruits and veggies?
Our colony gets Harlan 2014 as their primary food, and whatever veggies we were having that are "rat friendly".

Favorite treats are banana, yogurt, apple, blueberries, and dried pasta.