What the CRAP! Cut, Denny

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Pasadena, CA
What the hell is up with him lately?! Seizure, leg, now he has this gash on his shoulder! I can see the muscle underneath and I about threw up checking it. It's truly gross.

Is this the kind where it will close up on it's own or will it need stitches? It's still bleeding a little, but not a lot at all. It's a clean cut, no jagged edges at all.

What is this?? Are they picking on him or something? There is NOTHING in the cage that could do this. NOTHING. No wires, no sharp edges. This is so frustrating to turn around and every five seconds have something else wrong with him! I'm pretty sure the vet thinks I have Munchausen or something. And I am not making light of that condition, but 3 visits in less than a week's time, and the same rat? Really?!

I moved him to a tub on fleece for now, until it closes. Perfect timing, as I was going to move them to their new cage today. Note the sarcasm, please. What the crap.

And of course he's gallavanting around as if nothing has happened. I'm not saying I'd feel better if he acted in pain, but it sure makes me feel and look foolish to worry and cry when he's acting normal. :stickpoke: Ah well. At least there is that; he feels fine. But he's got to be tired of all of this happening. And I know he won't like to be away from the others. :/
Jeepers... Poor Denny, what's up with that boy. There must be someone going after him. That gash will close up by itself. I've had rats with very deep cuts, rushed to the vet and she telling me to just leave it alone, keep it clean.

I thought so, but I wanted to be sure.

Poor Denny is for sure! It's one thing after the other. Do you think it's one of his cagemates that's doing this? They act like they normally do! I wonder if with the leg and all of that they sense he is weaker and are picking more?
I've not seen or heard any, but they do seem to power groom and pin him more. He just takes it, though, not fighting back.

Maybe someone went too far?
Nothing sharp in the cage either? I would think it's like what mamarat wrote, just a fluke thing, where one rattie zagged when he should have zigged.
I feel your pain Cait and you are not alone. I had a rattie just like Denny once. Einstein was so frickin accident prone. There was ALWAYS something wrong with him. I swear to god.

Yeah but the first thing you did the first time was check to see if anythig in the cage could have hurt him, right? And the second time? And the 3rd?
Unless he's suicidal I wouldn't think it was environmental with you examining everything in each incident as I know you did.
So can you set up a spycam on the cage when you're gone? Honest, I know you can rent cams and they actually don't seem more costly than a vet visit (especially a couple visits when the problem is not identifiable).
Oh Cait. :(
I hope Denny heals up well and whoever did it chills out. It's horrifying finding a pet all torn up!
Thanks, guys. Denny is still in high spirits, but I've been keeping him out with me as much as I can.

The wound is healing, but I still can't look at it for more than two seconds without having to control my gag reflex. >.<

I have a video camera, I wonder if I set it up while I'm at work and see what's going on with them. The girl who comes and watches/plays with them for two hours while I'm gone (just the boys) says they act normal... When I came home today they were all cuddled together. I hope they can be more careful.

At least for Denny he's already on something for pain, so he's likely not feeling it too badly.