What happened to the rat shack!!?

The Rat Shack Forum

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and new ownership .....

Jorats is still on here tho as a mod
and some of the older, well informed, well respected members are still here ....
Thanks dspch911 and SQ for your replies! I will just have to play around with the threads to understand things better I guess.:idea2:
This is no longer a Canadian rat forum and much of the info, such as the articles, contain incorrect info.
As always, unless you can respect the knowledge and experience of the person who posted, do not necessarily believe they know what they are talking about. And always do your own research.
This is no longer a Canadian rat forum and much of the info, such as the articles, contain incorrect info.
As always, unless you can respect the knowledge and experience of the person who posted, do not necessarily believe they know what they are talking about. And always do your own research.
I agree...
Is the person writing the articles a member on here?

I know you can write for the rat shack, and get paid, it says so here:

It'd be a great tool for some of our senior members to explain things, I know that some like lilspaz have their own blogs. However, I know that they are also busy. I'd love to write for the new rat shack, but I'm not sure if I have enough knowledge to write them consistently and constantly. Also, I'm not 18 yet so I have no idea how they would work out the payment thing, though I'd do it for free.
If you see an issue with an article please send me a pm and I will get it corrected.

Thanks for the help guys!
The problem with them is they are not accurate. The other problems are they are focused for a group that is rat people not a rescued based forum such as this one. They would work on a forum with just "rat lovers" and maybe "rat breeders" but we are focused on a whole different level which is what made us unique. These do not fit into that and it puts us in the lump with the others.
Can you give me a specific example? I have to be able to provide criticism to the writers.
Kittens take 3 weeks to reach weaning age and the cycle begins again.

This is not true. They can become pregnant right after birth and the babies are not weaned till 5 weeks old. Taking them away at 3 weeks is total danger for the babies and only a practice done with feeder breeders who do not care about the babies. That is not us :)

When females reach menopause, they can become affected by mammary tumors. These tumors can grow quickly to become very large in size, causing great discomfort to your rat. Females who are not spayed are especially prone to this type of tumor due to hormonal changes taking place around the time menopause occurs.

Spaying your rat early in their life, prior to the age of six months, will help avoid these tumors whereas spaying later in life once the tumors have started may not result in any changes and tumors may continue to appear.

it is not totally true. You can spay them far earlier than just six months she should at least mention that. Babies can be spayed from 8 weeks up earlier with some vet and it can reduce the risk of other tumors such as pituitary tumors. 6 months is not later in life and can still benefit from spaying. I get what she is saying but others may not.

neuter to prevent marking with urine but the success rate of neutering for this purpose is not guaranteed

They are not dogs they dont mark persay. They mark as a way of finding their way not a mark my territory. rats mark a lot anyway this isnt a real reason to consider neutering males. even if that is wrong, which it could be but I never seen the mark their terroritory or a difference that is actually done with a scent gland on their sides which it would reduce but has nothing to do with urine. They are also done for nervous or scared boys. It will help them in those cases as well. It is not just done for mean boys. It works more than it does not work. The chances are very low for it to not work. Personally I have never had a mean boy that a good old neuter didnt fix so it is highly likely to work not as she puts it may not work. that leave it up for debate when there shouldnt be.

That is all i read. I hate the word "fancy" rat. I swear that term was used to show rats as a better animal in the stores. Fancy takes away from the "ewww' they have a tail.

What should be up there is rescue stories about rats that were saved. Rats that the neutered worked on. Details about pulmonary abscesses and how to keep your rat healthy. I can go on and on. but putting articles up there abotu color defeats what we are about. We do not pick our rats for color or "pretty" that encourages breeders our rats pick us because they need us.
Bumblefoot in rats: http://www.ratshackforum.com/Bumblefoot-in-Rats.htmlOne of many afflictions with which pet rats are sometimes faced is Bumblefoot. This occurs usually as a result of rats standing on uneven cage surfaces, such as those with wire bottoms, This is false. Uneven flooring will not cause bumblefoot.

Rat Tooth Care:http://www.ratshackforum.com/Rat-Tooth-Care.html
Telling people to trim teeth at home is dangerous!!! It should be done by a vet or vet tech professionals.

What is the right number of rats for you http://www.ratshackforum.com/What-Is-the-Right-Number-of-Rats-for-You.html
If you are the owner of a single rat, odds are good that the rat is happy when you are providing attention. It is when you are asleep or at work that your rat might experience boredom or loneliness. Does this mean you should add another rat to your home? Not necessarily.
OMG! We are constantly fighting this fight making sure that all rats need buddies. It is absolutely cruel to keep a lone rat.

If I go to page 2 to see the other misinformed articles, I get this:http://www.ratshackforum.com/index2.html
But one of them talks about the kinds of fancy rat and tailless being one of them. Tailless rats should never be bred and should not be made desirable.
Then there's the one about rat shows. Rat Rescues do not support Rat Shows. These shows are were many rats get their illnesses.

Rat Grooming Needs: http://www.ratshackforum.com/Rat-Grooming-Needs.html
Trimming nails, on the other hand, is something that will need to be done periodically. Rats have very small nails that can become sharp if left unattended. This can result in scratches to the skin of both you and your rats This is simply not true. You do not need to trim their nails unless necessary. Most rats do keep their nails trim. In all the rats' I've had, only a couple needing trimming.

It's very frustrating that at the Rat Shack, we teach one thing but our articles say another.
I agree that's frustrating. I'm connecting with the writer now to get the corrections in place and see how they want to proceed.
There are many "articles" written by members and posted by Jorats in the reference section of this forum.
Why can't those be used as articles?
Why get that writer to correct articles instead of just deleting them.
She clearly knows little or nothing about rats and does not have the same beliefs about animals as this forum.
Why should it be our job to proof read and correct her articles?
Especially since she is being paid? You should get your money back.
I also have a problem with these articles being posted ... if articles are posted, then people will think the writer is knowledgeable about rats and respected by the rat community. That is definitely NOT the case.

There are many "articles" written by members and posted by Jorats in the reference section of this forum.
Why can't those be used as articles if you believe you need an article section.

Otherwise, please do not post any so called articles unless they have been vetted and approved by Jorats.
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Why get that writer to correct articles instead of just deleting them.
She clearly knows little or nothing about rats and does not have the same beliefs about animals as this forum.
Why should it be our job to proof read and correct her articles?
Especially since she is being paid? You should get your money back.
I also have a problem with these articles being posted ... if articles are posted, then people will think the writer is knowledgeable about rats and respected by the rat community. That is definitely NOT the case.

There are many "articles" written by members and posted by Jorats in the reference section of this forum.
Why can't those be used as articles if you believe you need an article section.

Otherwise, please do not post any so called articles unless they have been vetted and approved by Jorats

Yes, this! I dont knwo who this Gina person is but she doesnt appear to be part of the community here at all. There is so much good information in the reference section, no one will read if they can jsut click articles and get bad info there.
edited because, you know what? respect is something that is earned.
Jorats has our respect because she earned it.

I'm not liking the way things are going here. Time for me to move on, this is just too upsetting and life is too damn short.

sorry guys.
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Yeah, I agree, Petunia. Things are getting almost mean. :(

Many of us have our "rat shack" beliefs and views, but I'm sure the last thing we want to do is put off potential new members or people looking to educate themselves on rats. It sounds like "Gina" likes writing, since someone mentioned she writes about other small animals, and we should give her a chance to read up on our perspectives and information, and edit her work.
Yeah, I agree, Petunia. Things are getting almost mean. :(

Many of us have our "rat shack" beliefs and views, but I'm sure the last thing we want to do is put off potential new members or people looking to educate themselves on rats. It sounds like "Gina" likes writing, since someone mentioned she writes about other small animals, and we should give her a chance to read up on our perspectives and information, and edit her work.

Sorry Aida
we were more or less rushed into making this change and were promised that the integrity of the forum would be preserved

I don't see that happening, sadly.
Sorry Aida
we were more or less rushed into making this change and were promised that the integrity of the forum would be preserved

I don't see that happening, sadly.
Why did we expect new coming admins and owners to completely understand our viewpoints and the integrity of our community from the start, when they have never been part of the forum before?
Why make any change if we wanted things to stay the same?

The change has been made, and we should stay positive and guiding in making this forum what we want, because being angry and negative will not help. You get more bees with honey.