what can and cannot mouse eat

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I had an hamster food mix so i gave that to my mice. Only one is eating, my older male, got them in like a day apart and they seem to enjoy each other.

In the mix are some sunflower seed, dried corn, pellets, raisins, peanuts. Anything they shouldnt have? Im also feeding him, only my older one Musty will eat, meal worms, and leafy greens in the spring mix salad not those purple leaves though. I mean tried so hard to find things he could eat because people are saying different things and the only few ones everyone agrees on are toxid, lemon, orange and apple seed etc. Some say they cant eat peanuts or not even leafy greens because it will cause upset stomach and their poop will smell worst. Please advise me on the correct infos thanks friends
They should not eat mixes. Especially ones for other animals. There is a good food called oxbow adult rat food. That and harlan 2014. There is a list of foods you can and cannot feed in the reference thread on here.
Rats or mice? I am going to assume you mean rat, not mouse.
Mixes are bad for rats, I would definitely head over to chewy.com and but a bag of oxbow adult rat food like Dena suggested.
Rats can definitely eat leafy greens but if the leaves are going bad then yes, their poop may be soft and smell.
My suggestion: Order a rat block (oxbow or similar), and make sure your rat always has it available. Give mealworms and other foods as occasional snacks. Give vegetables 3 times a week. Don't give any food to your rat if you do not know for sure he can eat. If you don't know, check the reference thread.
It sounds to me that Musty didn't eat the purple leaves because he is being picky :) This is the reason why mixes are bad for rats. They will only eat what they feel like eating, not what they need to eat. Never give feed your rats a mix, especially not one specific to another animal. Good luck !
Rats or mice? I am going to assume you mean rat, not mouse.
Mixes are bad for rats, I would definitely head over to chewy.com and but a bag of oxbow adult rat food like Dena suggested.
Rats can definitely eat leafy greens but if the leaves are going bad then yes, their poop may be soft and smell.
My suggestion: Order a rat block (oxbow or similar), and make sure your rat always has it available. Give mealworms and other foods as occasional snacks. Give vegetables 3 times a week. Don't give any food to your rat if you do not know for sure he can eat. If you don't know, check the reference thread.
It sounds to me that Musty didn't eat the purple leaves because he is being picky :) This is the reason why mixes are bad for rats. They will only eat what they feel like eating, not what they need to eat. Never give feed your rats a mix, especially not one specific to another animal. Good luck !
can they have nuts?
They should not eat mixes. Especially ones for other animals. There is a good food called oxbow adult rat food. That and harlan 2014. There is a list of foods you can and cannot feed in the reference thread on here.
okay thank you so much
Mice or Rats? Because people are giving you advice about rats

Male mice can not be housed together.
There are also good groups for people who own mice and we can recommend some if you have mice