Virgo has a tumor. Update: stitch pulling/abscess?

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Senior Member
May 29, 2010
Guelph, ON
I discovered a small lump on my dear Virgo this evening just as I was going to bed. I couldn't sleep so I decided to post on here and ask all the questions running through my head. I plan to call in the morning to hopefully get an appointment with the vet for Tues evening or Weds morning (I work all day Tuesday). I have only been to this vet once before (Dr. Renee Fleming, Guelph Animal Hospital), and it was for a simple URI. Since this is my first experience with lumps, and I am not sure of her knowledge of them, I have a few questions to ask here before going.

First, a little info. Virgo, my PEW, is about 25 months old, and never had any issues before this except for an ear infection over a year ago and a tail injury 10 months ago. For the tail injury she had an amputation of 4 vertebrae and handled the anesthesia well. I got her at about a year old, so I do not know her history before this (except that she's a tilty). She has a very good immune system, as her cagemates have gotten mites and URI's and she didn't exhibit any symptoms at all. The lump is on her left side, just under the second nipple from the bottom. It is figure 8 shaped (like its two lumps, or one lump pinched in the middle), and about the size of a pencil eraser. I have never felt lumps before, but it seems pretty hard, and is free moving. There is no marks or scabs around it. It does not seem to cause her pain when I touch/squeeze it, and she is just as active and content as ever, except for the normal slowing down associated with aging (she is bruxxing in my lap right now). This lump was not there two weeks ago when I checked her.

1) Has anyone gone to this vet specifically (or this vet office in general) for this sort of thing? If so, what are your experiences?
2) Does this sound like a mammary tumour to you guys? What are the other possibilities?
3) Should I push for/allow them to do diagnostic testing (biopsies, xrays, ultrasounds, etc) or just get a removal done? Is diagnostics worth the extra money, or will it just tell them what they already pretty much know. Will they actually affect the outcome?
4) This office does laser surgery, which has all kinds of benefits according to them, but also costs a lot extra (they would have charged me 400 plus tax for a spay!). What are people's opinions on this technique?
5) How long is surgery recovery time and how long can this wait? I leave on a trip to Newfoundland in less than three weeks (back on August 8th), and if surgery can't be done right away and/or the recovery is too long, can I leave it for a month and get it all done when I get back?
6) What are the risks of a tumour in this location, with regard to important organs or structures in the area?
7) Is there anything else that I need to know/should ask the vet when I go?

I should try to get some sleep, I work at 9am, but any and all advice and opinions are appreciated. Thanks guys.
It sounds like a simple mammary tumour and very small. At this point, and at her age, I would wait and watch to see how fast it grows. Sometimes these little ones stay small and won't bother your girl within her lifespan.
Hmmm, 25 months old is an iffy age. If she's really healthy, I would probably get the lump removed, but there is also the chance that she may be fine with the tumor and pass away before the tumor becomes a problem. I have done surgery on some of my older rats, and passed on surgery on some of the others. I'm watching two right now with tumors. With one surgery is out of the question as it would never heal. The other still may have surgery if the tumor gets much larger, but right now it's not too bad, and she's 30 months old.
You can leave it and see how it progresses but then you may limit your options.
Getting it removed now would mean a faster recovery. But, since she's not spayed it also means that more could be developing. You could wait to do surgery but then she'll be older.
Or you could make her comfortable and let her live out her time which could be a few months all depending on how fast it grows.
I've never heard of laser surgery on rats but it sounds good if it minimalizes recovery time and suture size. If you can afford it, I'd say go for it.
The timings are in a typical location, it would probably quit easy and fast to get in and get out. Mammary timings are stuck to mammary tissue so organs are generally not involved.
In my opinion, with a good vet and a healthy rat, risks are minimal.
Dr. Renee neutered 2 of my boys and did a FNA and ultrasound on another. She knows her stuff so I would definitely be comfortable having her do the tumor removal. If you have the funds I would do it asap especially since you are leaving in 3 weeks, I would think that as long as you have it done 1.5 weeks before you plan on leaving then you should be safe (as long as nothing weird turns up). My concern with waiting to see how fast it grows is that the optimal time for surgery might be right before/while you are gone. The boys I had neutered were done with the laser and the only thing I noticed was increased bruising although that may be completely unrelated to the laser I just thought I would mention it.
Thank you all for your opinions. I am leaning towards the sooner the better as well. I am going to sleep on the decision after talking to some vet offices and knowledgable rat-owner friends today. I will hopefully come to a decision tomorrow :)
With a good, experienced vet and healthy rat I don't think it is too old, though for me it is an age that makes you think more about what decision to make. I just got a tumor removal on my two year old girl who was in wonderful health, she bounced back just as quickly as a young rat. I have another two year old where there is no way I will put her through another surgery, she was younger and healthier for her last one and had a rough recovery. So I guess I pretty much think if you are going to do it, to do it right away with you leaving for surgery and her age. Good luck with your decision.
After discussing it with a few friends and a couple of vets, I have decided to get Virgo's tiny tumour removed. She is booked for next Thursday with Dr. Gerald in Kitchener. He is both more experienced and less expensive than the vet here, and he has done amazing things with the rats at CCH that I trust him completely.

She will go for a check up bright and early, then surgery that morning, and hopefully be ready to go home by mid afternoon. I will have a day of shopping/activities in Kitchener, waiting for my phone to ring :S
Got back home a few hours ago. All went well, she is back in the cage with her buddies, and no one is picking at the sutures! Let's hope it stays that way so I don't have to separate anyone. Dr. Gerald said it was a quick in and out procedure, and that it was definately a mammary tumor that she had.

All things considered, she probably had a better day than her cagemates, with her being in an Air Conditioned building/car for most of the day!

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