Well folks, a very big thank you for your help and replies but I finally decided that I am going to put down Yuki. Her cheek finally turned black 2 days ago but still, her neck, even if I clean it perfectly now, is always full of pus and it's really cream cheese hardcore, it's hard to get out without pushing it. It keeps coming back less than 12 hours after a full cleaning, the whole is full of cream cheese pus again.
I just used the last of my baytril this morning too. :cry3:
Plus, I noticed her other incisor is crooked and is getting really long. It's bothering her and sadly I don't see the vet until the 23th. I need some way to trim it at home before it pierces her. :?
But I am going to PT her once I see the vet. She's suffering too much. The vet said she has clean breathing and lungs and yet now she keeps doing noises when breathing, her fur is all dirty with blood and seems very greasy. Enyways, poor baby. Even with all that, she comes to me and climb on me. I feel so bad for her. :cry: But this is not likely gonna go away...
So anyone have any advice to trim her incisor?