The Quick Question Thread

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My quick question: I've seen that a lot of people use a vinegar/water solution as cage cleaner--would apple cider vinegar work for that? If not, is there a preferred type? And what ratios have you found work best?

Edit: Thank you!
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I just had to giggle at cute, little (sometimes not so little) rat farts.

But quick question! I'm looking to adopt another boy or two. One of the guys I was looking at potentially adopting is an older guy who has never been housed with other rats. Would it be a bad idea to see if he can be introduced to other rats so late in his life? I'll definitely inquire further about him (because rats are individuals and all) but I was just wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences with introducing a rat that hasn't lived with other rats before?
Yes many of us have rescued older rats who have lived alone since they were babies :(
It may be easy or may take time and patience ….. and with boys it may sometimes require a neuter if someone is aggressive
but they are so happy when they are living with friends …. rats are social animals and need to live with others,
but sometimes you have to find the right match as all rats have different personalities
@SQ: Hearing that many of you have had this experience in the past is encouraging! I'm hoping to contact his foster family soon to find out more about him so hopefully I'll know more about him soon. Thank you so much for the reply!
Double post. Super quick update -- I adopted two absolutely perfect boys a long while back. They're maybe about a year-and-a-half old and I love them to bits (I'll have to post some pictures in the registry). Introductions were frighteningly easy and they've been living in peace for months.

But, on another topic, and the reason for my double post -- I have another quick question. I've been intentionally bitten by a rat for the first time in nearly three years of having rats! And it wasn't someone I would have ever expected to bite me. He's my oldest guy -- going on 2 years and 9 months on June 1st. When he was younger, he was the definite troublemaker (but always in a curious, good-natured way). He's always been super social (and he's the only guy who hasn't peed on me -- unbelievable, I know). He's my absolute best buddy and I love him to pieces. Anyway, onto the incident. He's a very cuddly boy and I love it. He had been napping next to me and I was gently stroking him. Suddenly, he just nipped at my finger. It wasn't hard but he did sort of break a tiny bit of skin. It wasn't long -- a very short and sudden nip. He immediately went back to sleep right after (he's still cuddled up against my leg napping as I type).

I was just hoping for some insight from more experienced rat caretakers! I don't know whether this may be just him acting out something from a dream or if it's something that could be indicative of some underlying health concern causing him discomfort. This is the only time in his entire life when he's acted sort of aggressive (I'm hesitant to label it "aggression" when he seemed to be pretty much asleep for most of it).

UPDATE: he just woke up. He's grooming my hand very gently (as always). I love him so much.
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Double post. Super quick update -- I adopted two absolutely perfect boys a long while back. They're maybe about a year-and-a-half old and I love them to bits (I'll have to post some pictures in the registry). Introductions were frighteningly easy and they've been living in peace for months.

But, on another topic, and the reason for my double post -- I have another quick question. I've been intentionally bitten by a rat for the first time in nearly three years of having rats! And it wasn't someone I would have ever expected to bite me. He's my oldest guy -- going on 2 years and 9 months on June 1st. When he was younger, he was the definite troublemaker (but always in a curious, good-natured way). He's always been super social (and he's the only guy who hasn't peed on me -- unbelievable, I know). He's my absolute best buddy and I love him to pieces. Anyway, onto the incident. He's a very cuddly boy and I love it. He had been napping next to me and I was gently stroking him. Suddenly, he just nipped at my finger. It wasn't hard but he did sort of break a tiny bit of skin. It wasn't long -- a very short and sudden nip. He immediately went back to sleep right after (he's still cuddled up against my leg napping as I type).

I was just hoping for some insight from more experienced rat caretakers! I don't know whether this may be just him acting out something from a dream or if it's something that could be indicative of some underlying health concern causing him discomfort. This is the only time in his entire life when he's acted sort of aggressive (I'm hesitant to label it "aggression" when he seemed to be pretty much asleep for most of it).

UPDATE: he just woke up. He's grooming my hand very gently (as always). I love him so much.

He sounds like a sweetheart. This was definitely not aggression. It could have been him trying to tell you to stop stroking him, or he came out of a dream and unwittingly nipped you or it might be health related. Rats his age can develop pituitary tumours and some behaviour changes can occur like biting/nipping.

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