Terretorial Ralph>UPDATE ON INTROS

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The boys had playtime on the couch again tonight for almost an hour and it went so well :joy: at least I think? There was no blood, no major fights...a handgul of little ones but again they are really just pushing eachother around and trying to pin one another. Ralphie was pouffed up for a little while but much less then last night. The younger boys tried mounting Ralphie tonight a couple of times and thats mainly what caused the little tiffs. They all enjoyed some yogurt peacefully together and we ended it on a good note when both Rufus and Rupert walked slowly up to Ralph and sniffed and licked his side for a few moments :hugs: turns out he had a little bit of yogurt on his fur but hey that still counts right :lol: and he didn't mind! Again, I find it so funny that the smallestguy and alsothe hairless is the one trying to take the alpha position :giggle: Our only setback was my fiancee who is playing favorites and wants Ralphie to take the alspha position because he is the biggest and oldest, and our first so he wastrying to protect him and keep them away from him :doh: I told him he would have to leave the room if he kept it up, Ralphie is just a big baby and I really don't think he's meant to be in any sort of leader position, afterall his cage mate Rosie is 1/4 his size and she pinds him constantly :laugh4: Thanks for everyones support and advice...any suggestions welcome!
That sounds like an excellent intro!!!

The young boys at 3 months, I doubt were vying for alpha, they are too young still, they were probably playing with Ralphie, thrilled to bits that they have an extra buddy for them.
Really? They seem so tough even at their age lol Do the boxing matches indicate a battlefor status orcould that just be playing with them? Ralphie certainly didn't find the mounting too funnny haha, gonna try to video some of the intro tonight and maybe let them explore eachothers cage for a few minutes to get used to smells and all that stuff? Thanks