Spoiled Ratties??? Our trip to the grocery store.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
Oklahoma City, OK
Most of the money was already spent before we got to our grocery store trip, so we knew we were going to be eating cheap and crappy until the next paycheck.

So there we were at the grocery store, putting our stuff up on the belt at the register... there's our food.... ramen noodles, mac and cheese, bread, bologna, peanut butter..... and the ratley's extra food .... grapes, broccoli, sweet potato, apples, bananas.

We were just standing there giggling at the register, laughing about who gets taken care of first in our house! Not that we'd change that for anything.

I know what you mean. Sometimes I've been waiting at the counter doing the that's yours....this is mine ....thing.... I don't eat tofu, or soya milk, I think I snaffled a half corn of cob all summer and a bit of melon :oops: Haven't had a drop of Cool Whip tho...
You gotta feed them on the bed!! Then you can stash a piece of salmon in your KD when they're fighting over a blueberry :p
:lol7: I know what you guys are going through, whenever I'm buying things I ask myself can the ratties eat this? and if they can't I sometimes don't get it :toothy1:
chicky82 said:
:lol7: I know what you guys are going through, whenever I'm buying things I ask myself can the ratties eat this? and if they can't I sometimes don't get it :toothy1:

Yeah, we share in this house too...cept the dog and baby food! :lol: (and the berry yogies are my favorite! :-D )
I buy more baby food now than I ever did when my daughter was a baby! :D I also go to the fruit market and buy a truckload of fresh fruits and veggies for them on the wekend. I then spend the rest of the day processing thier fresh foods and getting them ready for meals during the week. Between baking them cookies and the constant tidying of the cage...we are some busy ratters here LOL

I love my boys and they are so worth any hassle. There is nothing like reaching into a hammie full of warm rat boys and getting kisses and snuggles :lovestruck:
I have a family of four to feed and more times than not, half the cart is for the rats. I'm economical and I buy things in bulk and on sale, but nonetheless, I think some people would scratch their heads if they knew how much goes to the rats. I don't care though. I'm not the kind of person who spends money on myself, to me, after all the other humans are taken care of, spoiling the rats is all I want to do.
jennifer said:
after all the other humans are taken care of, spoiling the rats is all I want to do.

I agree completely! People at work think I am nuts because I am always talking about stuff I have done for the rats.
I love spoiling my kids (within healthy limits) because they are so enthusiastic when they are enjoying something! It's a selfish thing really, I enjoy food more when they find it tasty than when I eat it myself! :lol: