Some baby questions

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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2007
Nova Scotia, Canada
Piper and the babies are doing great. Everyone is getting very playful. They are now 14 days old. I was wondering when do I start offering them baby cereal?.....I read to mix it with soy baby formula and make is runny but I couldn't seem to find an age...some said 2 weeks other said three weeks depending on the site I was on.

Also babies are very playful with me...licking and biting at my fingers...rolling on their backs and nibbling at me.....what should I be doing so they learn good manners and not nip. Right now it doesn't hurt but I am sure it will soon......

I am going to set up my new playpen tomorrow (hubby made me a nice big tall playpen out of wood) and put babies in for a little play......when should I introduce them to Sydney?.......I haven't put Syd in the playpen because I wanted to keep it a neutral area for introductions with the babies.......
I was thinking three weeks but maybe older is better.....any ideas on this would be appreciated.......

Now that the babies are moving around more any and all advice would be appreciated how long can they be away from Piper?...This morning I had them out for about a half that to long? Piper took a long nap curled up with Sydney........
Tonight I played with them and petted them and held them for about 15 minutes until they all fell asleep.........They are still very small but when could I start carrying a couple around with me say in a pocket on my shirt? I did that with my other babies but they where older when I got them..........

Oh and now I know why rats have tails.........they are play toys for their siblings....nothing is cuter then seeing one of the babies holding someone else tail in their hands and chewing on it.....cute!!!!
I have been putting peas and cereal for Piper...I saw today one of the babies look at the stuff but didn't try any.....Could I put some on my fingers and see if they want to lick it off?....They love licking fingers....
At 14 days, it's not necessary to supplement but if babies go looking at mom's food and trying it, that's ok. Also, the nipping is normal at this age and not really something I would deter yet. Nipping is part of sibling play so they are seeing you as their sibling. But when they get to 3 to 4 weeks, it's time to remove your hand when they start to nip. This way they will relate nipping to no human hands.
This thread is useless without pics :lol:
They sound very normal and cute ;)

Can't help with the time question but i would say 30 mins is fine, mum needs a bit of time away from her brood ;)