so you're missing an eye....

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Guelph, On
As some of you have have seen (in the introduction thread...) out little girly "Big" Mac who is some how or another minus one eye. Or so i best figure.

This is what it looks like, and to me it is recessed and has no doesnt look infected and doesnt seem to bother her at all...

Should i be concerned for her at all? Treat her preventively? i dont want to pry her eyelids apart and cause her undue discomfort and irritation.....but...should i?

I guess i just dont want to let something fester away in there, but if that were to happen wouldn't it appear more pronounced?

Has anyone seen this before? (im sure someone has??) any ideas on what could have happened??
You may want to have a vet check her out.
I would keep watch for any odor around her face.
(My toofer developed an odor and I finally convinced the vet to put her on very strong antibiotics ...)

btw, very cute little girl :heart:
I had a rat who was born with no eyes. The vet did say that sometimes there could be a membrane which could be removed surgically, but that was not the case with Boo. I would take your sweetie to the vet for an evaluation. Here's my Boo

Awesome guys - thanks! I have to go pay Tess' tab at work today...i'll talk to them about taking a peek at lil Mac

Boo seems quite content in that pic Mamarat! :heart: it boggles my mind how well these little guys can adapt!
with eyes its pretty easy for rats to adapt as their vision is so bad to begin with they don't really rely on it much. i think they would have a much more difficult time adapting to the loss of their sense of smell really. but i have also seen some rats with missing legs that you would think would have a heck of a time getting around and at the very least would not be so freaking fast! :giggle: if a three legged rat can still teleport and fly, i think your one eyed rattie should be just fine as well. get her checked out for infection of course, but barring that she should make out like a little bandit.
Mac is a sweetie :heart: , with such a kissable little face! Once the vet has checked her out to make sure there is no infection, she should do fine.

I had a rat who had to have an eye removed. I put tbe surgery off for ages, afraid of the risks and thinking it would be hard for her. A week after the surgery she was climbing up and down the outside of the FN as if nothing had happened.

(p.s. Mamarat, your photo of Boo is adorable)
Mac's missing eye looks very much like my Biscuit's missing eye. Biscuit was born that way. The vet checked it out said that it was all fine and to not worry about it. It hasn't caused any problems at all. Occasionally he gets a bit of porphryn but he or I just give it a quick clean.

If worried then perhaps take her to the vet. Otherwise I’d leave it alone and not force her eyelids open.

She’s a cutie BTW.

Here's a pic of Biscuits. Biscuit is on the right and it's his left eye that is missing.

so baby Mac has been checked out! And the Dr feels that everything checks out :) they did mention to keep an eye on her and if things start to look different we can start with a topical but they think that she was likely born this way - so far so good!
I love that "keep an eye on her" vet used to joke with me all the time about keeping an eye on Rhys or him keeping an eye on me.... :laugh4:

Here's Rhys start to finish. He does run into things from time to time, but otherwise no worse for wear...


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