So its been an exciting few days in my Ratty Home :)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
On Thursday night I got a package. I got a wonderful Christmas gift from Godmother and very own Octo-Play!!! I have always wanted one of these guys, but could never quite swing it. Well I named him George ("I will hug him and squeeze him and name him George"), and I really have been dying to get pics of the Horde or the Baby Cage 2 meeting him for the first far no go.. ailing ratties take precedence. Well until today :)

The nakies met George
Bella and George

Bella checks out George

But Lisbet likes George a lot...until she got stuck in a twisted up arm...I had to "rescue" her :roll:
She forgave him quickly :D

Thank you SQ and Godmother, ALL my rats are going to love him and I will have another thread just for that!

Then this morning we had the good response to the dex with the new girl Amelia. :thumbup:

Then I get a call from my mother telling me I am a Great-Aunt to a 7 lb 12 oz boy!! My niece was 2 cm dilated yesterday afternoon, started labour after dinner, was at the hospital just after 12 am and Jackson Douglas Kruger was born at 4 am. :shock:

Then Joanne came over with Scott to pick up her Harlan, and visit for a bit before heading back on the long drive. She met all the newbies, cuddled some of her favourites, ending up with the Dillymeister. :D

Before she left she showed me a big bag that she, Nic and Mamarat put together for me/my rats. Woah! :shock:
This is a big bag!

Lets look inside shall we?

Lets unpack like a little kid at Christmas!!

And I just couldn't wait and start playing/making/putting up toys :)

Cages in the livingroom...every cage got a nice dangly toy with foam to shred on the bottom :D

The Wildlings have been eating their hammies so they got one of those plastic stacking shelves for a buck at the Dollarama. I saw that bruxxy had hers ziptied to the cage so I tried that for the Agouti Booties. :)

Moth is definitely not Vanna White :roll:

The Horde has many many more fun things :)

The BC1 (Punks) have their own Rat Shack now :)

Angel looks pretty comfy

And Tosca has figured out the top :)

Remind me not to change things in the BC2's cage when they are still in it. :roll:

Hahaha...look Jo! it's the blue and white bird at the birdbath!

Their new shelf is a big hit :thumbup:

Well that's it for now...The Dreaded Meeting of George and either the Horde or the BC2 (Babies and Bronlings etc) is next. :wink2:
Wow, Shelagh, that looks great, fantastic pics. Your little nakkies look so comfy in George.

:congrats2: on being a great aunt!!!
It was so much fun visiting Shelagh and the rats, just wished it could have been longer. They need to four lane the whole way from Sudbury to Toronto. Then it would be a piece of cake to go there and back.
I loved all the ratties. Moth was out and came up to my pant leg so of course my favourite girl got lots of cuddles. I gave sweet Bella a nice massage, her eye is looking much better too. We had fun watching the blue hooded duck, dunking her head and hands in her water dish. Perched just so and dunk and out and dunk and out... too funny!! And finally the Dillyman... what a sweet boy, so laid back and enjoys whatever is done to him. :heart:
Hey Jo, did you make it to Ikea on the way home? Poor Scott. :cheeky:

Nic, you are an awesome sewer and fast!, and you just started? :shock: You have to come down next time with Jo and we'll do a proper Rat Day, not a Drive-Thru Petting. :lol:

Thank you for the news on Kyrie as well Joanne. :D She hates Benadryl...hehehe. She takes a lick and acts like I tried to electrocute her, then bounces back, makes a face, takes some more...its hilarious!
Congrats, Great-auntie! My, that makes you sound just a tad older than you are..... glad all is well with the baby and his mama.

Nic, did you sew that lovely cube from the Dollarama fleece??? wow, it's nice!

Visits to Toronto and Sudbury had never sounded all that appealing in the past, but things have changed!
Ya, how is it someone so young is a great aunt? :shock:
I hope your niece is doing well.

Next time we'll stay much longer, I'll leave Scott at home. lol

Godmother, it's dollar store fleece but lined with a better fleece throw so it will last just a bit longer.
jorats said:
Ya, how is it someone so young is a great aunt? :shock:
I hope your niece is doing well.

Next time we'll stay much longer, I'll leave Scott at home. lol

Godmother, it's dollar store fleece but lined with a better fleece throw so it will last just a bit longer.

I love it!!! I can do matchy matchy in my FN now.

Btw all the Shacks this morning were covered with rats on top and inside...hehehehe.

the Wildlings are going to have to suffer with their double deckers, since they devour hammocks. I would cry if they ate one of these :sad-p:
Heehee!!! Went to check on everyone.

Found 7 rats on the Shack! :shock:

That just doesn't look comfy (yes that's Kyrie underneath)

And Dilbert always near the bottom...with Valora

Vesta looks comfy now being Aura's pillow

My favourite rats in the Horde....shhhhh!!...Brie and Dilbert
They really do look comfy there! They don't stay there for long though if you open the door... give it about 5 to 10 minutes and they do come checking to see who's there. lol
Wonderful pics ... lots of great rattie presents :lol:
Congrats on being a great aunt !

btw, just want to mention that George was purchased long before we heard about Marshalls so George is ok in my books.
Holy smackerel! What a happy day in so many ways for you and your babes!
And Jo too with the joy of bearing a back-breaking load of gifts and actually laying eyes on your babes-in-the-flesh (Dilbert especially :kisses: )
And George is the coolest babysitter ever - especially for nekked girls who look so adorably content in his warm embrace!
And Congrats to all your family about your great-nephew too!

This is such a happy post to see! You surely deserve an abundance of happy and it's so contagious to see you have it! :bliss:
I so wish I could have gone with Jo to visit you, Shelagh!! :tantrum: I'll definitely go next time when Jo and I can both have days off. As for the sewing, I have so much fun making those Shacks. Especially when it's for very good people. :hugs: The more I make them the better I get. I just can't believe how great those dollar store fleece blankets are! :clapping: