Smelly Rat!!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2009
New Maryland, NB
Well my latest rescue rat, who now goes by the name Shmoo, is still awful smelly!!! I have bathed her 3 times now, with tearless baby shampoo and I am wondering if there is something else I can try. SHe was in a cage that was hardly ever cleaned, in a bedroom closet of all places. And she had a very strong smelling coat.
I am open to any suggestions.... Thx in advance guys! And Happy Easter Everyone!!! :)
I once took in some ratties that smell so bad that I thought I would have to go stay at my mothers home while the ratties stayed in my apartment.
The vet told me that because of the conditions they had been living in, the filth was in the hair shafts and would need to grow out. The smell gradually improved and the ratties soon smelled like normal ratties.
I feel horrible for her.... When I picked her up, she was huddled in a corner of her very small cage with all the poop and pine shavings pushed away from her. Her food dish was empty and very little water.... It was so obvious that her cage had not been clean for a while... And they had her in a closet of all places. They said they had put her in there cause she smelled so bad and ahe was so loud at night...... I was so mad..... :gaah: But I maintain my composure so she would let me take her...... She only had her for a 2 months and thats how she treated her...... :sad3:
She's doing so much better now.... She lets me hold her, eats from my hand and is currently lovin' her cage mate Gracie.... But she sure is smelly :giggle: ... We will definitly wait it out.... we love her to peices!!!! :heart:
She's doing good so far!!!! I have an appointment on Wednesday with the vet cause she's sneezing lots, dam pine shavings... and she sqeaks sometime when I pick her up, hopefully it's nothing....
But here's the kicker!!!!!
I recieved and email from the girl I got her from and she told me that she was in a cage with a male rat from time to time. She's a university student and when she went home sometimes a friend of hers would rat sit for her and instead of transporting the cage around from place to place, she would just put them in the same cage......... Nice eh?
So my question is this........ What are the odds she's prego?? The last time she was in a male cage was about 9 days ago.... Will the vet be able to tell me if she is or is it to soon to tell???? :wallbang: I would have taken her either way cause she a doll.. :happydance: But I just want to plan ahead, cage wise.... :doh: :D
Ugh!!! that poor thing. The vet will probably not be able to feel the pregnancy yet... But if she never got pregnant the other times, lets hope she didn't this time around either.
This person is a university student? don't they teach about the birds and the bees over there? :doh:
I would hope that any of my kids would have a trickle of SENSE by the time they hit university age!!!

*crosses finger* that her belly stays nice and flat!!
Oh, my goodness...

Words can't express just what I think of her previous owner and babysitter. Well, they can, but I don't want the message to get censored. :)

:rant: :redhot: :gaah: :redhot: :rant:
Well despite her past owner's she is doing wonderfully!!!! This morning she was loving a cuddle time with one of my children. Almost seemed sad when we put her back into her cage. :giggle: But anytime you go near her cage now she has her nose stuck out waiting for some one to pick her up... And with 4 kids and 2 adults.... she always gets her way... :giggle: So far I have not noticed and expanding waist or wieght gain.. we are keeping our finger's crossed... :D :heart:
Well we just got back from the vets office with our lovely Shmoo and here's how it went...
The vet does not detect a pregnancy :joy:
He says he does not see the need to put her on any meds for the sneezing, just yet... :joy:
he believes she is only about 6 months old or less and that she has been abused based on her behavior.. :sad3:
He thinks she might have been used to doing rat fighting???? :sad3:
She pees and poos whenever she is handled.... :sad3:
She is a very nervous girl despite being held.... :sad3:

But on the bright side, she will eventually learn to gain some trust back and enjoy her life....
We love her to peices and are very eager for her to be comfortable..... :) and she has already come a long way since the day I got her....

I'm glad to hear the vet trip went ok. Until she out grows her smelly, have you considered applying a small drop of vanilla between her shoulder blades? I did this when doing intro's a while back so all the rats would smell similar to each other, and I found it smelled kind of nice, plus vanilla is edible so if she licks it off it's no big deal.