Slow Cooker Rat Recipes

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
I was recently talked into a high end Crock Pot (Crock Brand) because it was on sale for $7.50 at Big Lots, which I'm now convinced is Woman's Best Friend.

You put any food in, peeled or unpeeled, whole or sliced, throw in a little olive oil, plug in, and it magically cooks itself to perfection!

It cooked its own porridge, and even rice (you have to add more water than the directions). Last week I threw in one yam, one cassava, one slab of pumpkin, and one sweet potato (sliced 1/4"), and left in pot 1.5h on HI. Voila-rat gourmet! I want to try some beets next.

If you have any good recipes, please share
Great post canarats! Thanks, I'm so gonna try this. Slow cooking really enhances the flavour - something our ratties will (no doubt) find appealing :)

Haha @ dspch!! Brilliant!
You know ... call me fuddy duddy, but I only just today 'get' the protests re. the thread title. lol. With irony I tell you then, that my rats love to hang out in the crock pot, and end up falling asleep in there. At least its not like the dryer, where you don't even realize your cat's in there.
It sounds good but remember that for most veggies the a lot of the nutrients will be cooked out of them.

Are you sure? I remember a time (my vegetarian phase) when the popular opinion was as such, as with microwaving. But I also remember hearing more recently that cooking enhances the bio-availability of nutrients, except maybe for fruits. I expect there are more relevant studies now.
Certain vegetables are enhanced like broccoli, kale and tomatoes while others not so much. And even then, only a light steaming is needed, not day long cooking. If your vegetable is easily mashed with a fork, it's lost a lot of nutrients. It still needs to have a soft crunch to them.

Are you sure? I remember a time (my vegetarian phase) when the popular opinion was as such, as with microwaving. But I also remember hearing more recently that cooking enhances the bio-availability of nutrients, except maybe for fruits. I expect there are more relevant studies now.

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