Silvermane - sudden vicious biting

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Active Member
Dec 14, 2015
Toronto, Canada
The male Silvermane rat I adopted last year, has suddenly started biting me hard, whenever he can reach my hand. He's almost a year old. He was always gentle before and I have not made any changes to his environment. He lives with two other males, all are intact. I used to give my three rats treats through the cage bars. Now I can't bring my hand too close to the cage, as Batman lunges at my hand and bites, deep enough to draw blood, and hard. He used to love his treats and took them gently. Now he ignores the treat altogether and tries to bite my hand. He won't even take it if I drop it in the cage. He does this if I put my hand inside the cage as well. So far he doesn't seem to be hurting the other two rats, he just goes after me. However, he now stays away from the other two rats and shows no interest at all when they come to the cage bars for treats. I'm not sure what to do with him at this point. I'm aware that some Silvermane rats have issues with turning vicious. I emailed the breeder to let her know. I'd appreciate some advice on what to do with him, should be be separated from the other rats? Will his aggression get worse? Is he now too dangerous for me to keep? Or is this just a behavioural problem which can be worked on? Thanks...
First of all you should never feed through the bars. Sounds like your boy is hormonal and needs a neuter. He'll calm down again after he gets rid of the hormones. I've had quite a few of them. Good Luck - try using an oven mitt when going near him or handling him until you can get him neutered.
I've never heard of silvermane rats and know nothing about them but neutering your boy should help

how much it will help, no one can say for sure but in most cases it makes a huge difference to the rat (they do not enjoy being hormonal) and to his people and cage mates
I don't know to be honest, I haven't had many boys myself

There's others here who have had lots of boys and can give you a better idea but at least sometimes it's only one who really really needs to be neutered
I've never heard of silvermane rats and know nothing about them but neutering your boy should help

I forgot to explain about silvermanes. Silvermane is a colour pattern first discovered in feeder rats. A couple of breeders decided to breed them as pets, but they found that many rats with the silvermane gene abruptly become vicious at puberty. It affects both genders. Typically an affected rat will turn on its cagemates unexpectedly, seriously injuring or killing them. They also attack their caregivers. They can be very sweet as babies, and still turn on those around them. Breeders with an affected rat usually cull them, as there is no cure for the personality change. Altering the rat makes no difference.

For this reason, only a few breeders are working on stabilizing the temperament of the silvermane. They are making progress, but some of the silvermane rats still develop temperament and behavioural problems. That is why I mentioned that my rat is a silvermane. He may be experiencing the same issues as other silvermanes. Or, it could just be due to hormones as people have mentioned.

I am considering separating him from his cagemates as a precaution. So far he has shown no sign of aggression towards them, however, they attack "out of the blue". I don't want to wake up one morning and find one or more of my other rats dead or seriously injured. He was sweet and cuddly with me, too - then one day he launched himself at me and bit my finger to the bone while I was changing their water bottle. In general, I've noticed his behaviour has changed. He spends a lot of time staring at the ceiling or into space, and I notice he hides inside boxes or tubes by himself, where he used to pile up with his two roommates all the time.

I did email his breeder for advice, but she hasn't replied yet. So I'm in a bit of a quandary about how to handle this situation. I can't afford to get him neutered until next month, as I already had a vet emergency with another pet last week, so my "veterinary fund" is pretty much tapped out for now.
I would suggest that you get him neutered asap by a good rat vet experienced in successfully doing surgery on rats.
If you are concerned that the changes in his behaviour might not be easy to alter, then I would guess that an immediate neuter would likely be best before his behaviour change becomes ingrained.
It sounds like his hormones are making him feel miserable.
You might want to see if your vet will allow you to make payments, borrow the money, use a credit card etc so he is neutered sooner

I always have all my rats neutered or spayed, but I have heard that only the aggressive rat needs to be neutered, however, once he becomes his sweet old self another rat may start to be aggressive.

here is some info re things to ask before surgery:

hope things are soon back to normal
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Do you know if he is from Atlantis rattery?
I noticed that she is breeding Silvermane rats.
If so, there are quite a few threads on this site about this breeder ..... her rats are often aggressive and need neuters
Do you know if he is from Atlantis rattery?
I noticed that she is breeding Silvermane rats.
If so, there are quite a few threads on this site about this breeder ..... her rats are often aggressive and need neuters

He's from Rat Emporium in Toronto. The breeder acquired her silvermane stock from the first breeder who started work trying to breed the aggression out of the silvermane. I still haven't received a reply to the email I sent her.

Right now my silvermane is still getting along with his two cagemates. I'm looking up Toronto vets who can neuter him, but since it's a holiday here today I won't be able to call any of them until tomorrow. I'm looking at taking him to either Links Road or Greenwood Park, unless I find something closer to where I live.
There are 2 main lines of silver manes, one from a male who seems to consistently produce nice tempered offspring and an aggressive line. These rats werent even more aggressive I have heard horrible stories about then. Most if the Ontario breeders who imported them did not adopt out the silver manes but bred generations to make sure those aggressive traits didn't pop up. Rat Emporium was offering these rats as soon as they could breed them so I am very much not surprised they are adopting out potentially aggressive rats.

Hopefully a neuter will sort out his issues but watch and handle him carefully until the hormones subside which can take 2 weeks up to a few months.
There are 2 main lines of silver manes, one from a male who seems to consistently produce nice tempered offspring and an aggressive line. These rats werent even more aggressive I have heard horrible stories about then. Most if the Ontario breeders who imported them did not adopt out the silver manes but bred generations to make sure those aggressive traits didn't pop up. Rat Emporium was offering these rats as soon as they could breed them so I am very much not surprised they are adopting out potentially aggressive rats.

Hopefully a neuter will sort out his issues but watch and handle him carefully until the hormones subside which can take 2 weeks up to a few months.

I heard from the breeder today. She's telling me it's "possessiveness of his cage area". I did build a larger cage for them a couple of weeks ago. She wants to know what he's like when out of his cage. I told her I haven't taken him out since he started biting because of the severity of the bites (down to the bone). I don't want to end up with an aggressive rat that wants to bite me running loose around my apartment while my hands are dripping with blood. I know parrots can become cage aggressive, is it a problem in rats as well? If yes, how do you deal with it (besides neutering)?
I very much doubt he suddenly became cafe aggressive, tbh that breeder is a moron. I've seen her site and completely cringed. I know of her practices and knowledge of rats overall.

So tell us exactly what he was like before he bit, was he gentle, confident, friendly, easy to handle in and out of cage? Did you get him as a baby and was he socialized or nervous with humans?
Then go back to him biting you recently. Did you have your hand in the cage doing something (putting in food, etc)? Did he dash out and chomp then run back? Or did he bite down and his fur was up and once you got him off you his fur was raised, possibly chattering his teeth?
I very much doubt he suddenly became cafe aggressive, tbh that breeder is a moron. I've seen her site and completely cringed. I know of her practices and knowledge of rats overall.

So tell us exactly what he was like before he bit, was he gentle, confident, friendly, easy to handle in and out of cage? Did you get him as a baby and was he socialized or nervous with humans?
Then go back to him biting you recently. Did you have your hand in the cage doing something (putting in food, etc)? Did he dash out and chomp then run back? Or did he bite down and his fur was up and once you got him off you his fur was raised, possibly chattering his teeth?

I got Batman when he was a baby. From the start he was a bit less outgoing than the other two (Siamese) rats, who are about the same age as Batman but from a different breeder. I had no trouble handling him and taught him to ride on my shoulder. He seemed to be socialized, never showed a sign of fear or aggression. I would take my rats out to play for a few hours each day. They were in a refurbished large bird cage when I first got them. From the beginning they'd all come to the side of the cage when I entered the room, and I'd give them small treats like pumpkin seeds or shreds of coconut. They always took the treats with no attempt to bite me. Once they got bigger I moved them to a wire dog crate cage. Neither cage move caused any behaviour changes.

Then in early August I became very ill. I was only able to do the food/water change each day. I was too ill to take them out. That lasted about a week. I had bought cc cubes to build them a bigger cage, as they'd grown out of the dog crate. I built the new cage and moved them to it in the third week of August. They seemed fine at first.

Then I noticed that when the other two came to the side of the cage for treats, Batman would stay back, but watch me intently. He'd only take treats that were on the bottom of the cage. I started watching him carefully, wondering if he could be sick. I noticed he was spending most of his time in a cardboard tube that only he could fit inside. Before, he always slept in a heap with the other two. I also noticed him gazing straight upwards a lot. He would sit and just stare at the ceiling. He started coming near the cage bars when I was feeding treats, but still wouldn't take them, in fact he'd back off and shake his head. But he'd stare at my hands and follow them with his nose.

Finally one morning I was unhooking their water bottle from the cage, with my hands on the outside, and Batman leapt at my hand and bit it, hard, through the bars. I yanked it back on reflex. My finger started spouting blood immediately, there was blood all over the place. I was so shocked that at first I didn't know what had hurt my hand. At first I thought it was a fluke, that I must have done something to provoke him without knowing it and he'd be fine the next time.

Next day the two Siamese brothers came to the cage bars as usual, looking for treats. Batman came to the bars as well, pushing his nose through like the others. But when I offered treats, he backed off about an inch but fixated on my fingers. I decided to leave him be and just gave seeds to the other two. But, while I was giving a seed, Batman darted at the bars, pushing his face out and tried to bite my hand again. I don't remember if his hair was raised that time, it happened so fast.

Since then he's bitten me twice more, the latest bite was yesterday. He managed to dash in and bite me while I was picking up something I dropped just beside their cage. I wasn't paying attention. Then yesterday he lunged at me while I had my hand in the cage putting their food dish in, and caught me before I could get the hand out again. He bites HARD, I can feel the muscles in his jaw quivering as if he's biting as hard as I can. The bites are surrounded with bruises from the bite force. He has not latched on to my hand, or maybe I yanked it back before he could get a good grip. I've never seen or heard him chatter his teeth.

So I'm in a bit of a quandary now. I'm not against neutering him if it will help, however, I won't be able to afford it for a few weeks. I'm concerned that his sudden aggression could be caused by the Silvermane gene, in which case neutering won't make a difference. If it is the Silvermane gene, there's a very good chance he will eventually attack and/or kill his cage mates. I have a spare cage and could separate them, but I'd feel badly for Batman being alone, and afraid that it might make his aggression worse. Speaking of afraid, right now I'm pretty reluctant to try handling him, even with gloves on. I've lost fingernails to parrots biting through heavy gloves.
This is weird. Since the day before yesterday, Batman started acting almost like his old self. He has taken treats from my hand several times without trying to bite me. For the most part he's been sleeping with his two cagemates as well. I haven't seen him staring upwards.

I'm still cautious in case he goes back to his aggressive behaviour. I haven't tried to handle him yet. I will keep an eye on him for a couple more days before trying it.

I didn't make any changes in their cage in the past two days, but I had a thought. I had recently moved them into a CC cage I built. The cubes have enough space between the wiring that they can poke their heads, but not their shoulders, through the bars. I'm wondering if Batman realized this and thought he'd try to grab me when my hands were close to the cage. The other two like to stick their heads out and sniff at me.

I'll keep a eye on things and see what happens next.
This is weird. Since the day before yesterday, Batman started acting almost like his old self. He has taken treats from my hand several times without trying to bite me. For the most part he's been sleeping with his two cagemates as well. I haven't seen him staring upwards.

I'm still cautious in case he goes back to his aggressive behaviour. I haven't tried to handle him yet. I will keep an eye on him for a couple more days before trying it.

I didn't make any changes in their cage in the past two days, but I had a thought. I had recently moved them into a CC cage I built. The cubes have enough space between the wiring that they can poke their heads, but not their shoulders, through the bars. I'm wondering if Batman realized this and thought he'd try to grab me when my hands were close to the cage. The other two like to stick their heads out and sniff at me.

I'll keep a eye on things and see what happens next.

if he's only bitten you through the bars, he may just be that type of rat...some are sweet rats but cannot resist.

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