Shinobi's so sick and cold!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2008
I came home from work today to let the boys out but shinobi just stayed in his bed. When I took hom out he seemed so weak and will hardly move or open his eyes! I've noticed he's got fleas or mites or some gross little things crawling under his fur... What can I do?!
Take him to a vet now.
He needs to be treated with revolution.
He may need sub Q fluids as he may be dehydrated.
He may be dying because of the parasites.

If you can't get to the vet right now, keep him warm, get fluids into him, get the lice (or whatever) off him and kill them ... you can pick them off. If he is strong enough you can try to wash them off and put some olive oil on him to smother the bugs. This will keep their numbers down until you can get him to a vet.

All your rats will need to be treated with revolution, and have their cage and bedding cleaned, etc.
rehydration formula:

If feeding him fluids by syringe, make sure to just give a drop or 2 at a time and squirt it into the side of his mouth so it will not go down his throat and into his lungs.

What are his other symptoms?
breathing? has he been eating and drinking?
Thanks, I can;t get him to the vet until tomorrow because it;s late on a sunday, but I hope all this works until tomorrow. His back is really arched, his fur all standing on end and his face is all puffy.
He's feeling thinner like he hasnt eaten lately but I gave him some veg and some baby food not long ago, he doesn't seem to be eating his regular food. I saw him drinking this morning and all seemed fine but I'm not sure about this evening.
He's breathing quite slowly. Lazarus seems ok, just a bit puffy but he's greedy as ever, but yep, he's got horrid bugs too.
If his tail is warm he has heat stroke and needs to be dipped in lukewarm water to his neck. Then given rehydration formula or pedialyte.

If his tail is cool, see if he is dehydrated. If not dehydrated rub ears, esp. tips and press upper lip (acupressure for shock). If he is dehydrated try to get him to drink 1 to 2 oz of fluid. If he isn't better in 30 min. rush him to a vet.

Above info. taken from the rat health care book.
Keep him warm, give him fluids and you can try ensure or baby cereal as food.
And get rid of those bugs as they may be killing him.

Hopefully someone else has some suggestions ...
I cant be a ton of help but after reading SQ's posts about killing the fleas i know something that would help you do that till you can get that rattie to the vet


This is a cat flea comb you can get it at stores like walmart.
Something like this will make it easier to comb through the fur, it picks up the fleas or what ever other parasites the rattie has and allows you to get them off of the rat and to a place where you can kill them.

I hope that everything goes well for you and the rattie, keep us posted!
It sounds like lice... and if they've been on him for a while, that can lead to his lethargy as well.
So far you've got some good advice.
Good luck!
Excessive scratching usually indicates the presence of fleas. If you have trouble eliminating these pets, contact your vet.
To prevent the fleas from spreading, separate Shinobi from the rest of your rats. As soon as you get rid of the pests, he can be back with his buddies again. :wink:
Big Ears said:
Excessive scratching usually indicates the presence of fleas. If you have trouble eliminating these pets, contact your vet.
To prevent the fleas from spreading, separate Shinobi from the rest of your rats. As soon as you get rid of the pests, he can be back with his buddies again. :wink:

Catie, these are lice (rat fleas aren't very common with our domestic pets) and once any ectoparasite (mite, lice or fleas) is seen on one rat, then you MUST treat them all since they have probably already spread.
Wow, Big Ears... that's just wrong.

Fleas are not typically an issue for rats, but lice and mites are. If the bugs were visible, it is lice.

If Shinobi has lice that meets the entire colony probably will, and separating them will not help.

Everything will need to be cleaned thoroughly once they have been treated (preferably with revolution as it works so fast, but ivermectin can work also) and bedding needs to be frozen for at least 48 hours to kill any bugs coming in that way.

ETA: Shelagh beat me to it.
Big Ears said:
Moon said:
If Shinobi has lice that meets the entire colony probably will, and separating them will not help.

No harm done by doing so just in case. :wink:

Mandy- Do you see any sign of "lice" on any of your other pets?

If you read the other replies you would see that lice has been spotted on one of the other rats.

And yes, separating rats can cause harm to them emotionally, especially if they are very bonded.
Oh dear, I have given them rehydrating formula through a syringe. They were moving about this morning but still very lethargic.

So worried though, I found BLOOD in their tunnel today, a little puddle. I've checked the boys over and they dont have any cuts or wounds so I am sooo worried! Got them checked in with the vets in a couple of hours. Could it be the lice that are making them bleed somehow? Urinal blood or something?