Sewing/No-sewing toys for rats.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2008
Upstate NY
Many members do not know how to sew, do not have a machine (me), or do not like to sew. But buying stuff is so hard on the pockets, so I wanted to make a thread of easy things to make. To make sure something is sturdy, press down on it with your hand and judge for yourself.

Just Cutting
Hammock- Cut a square of cloth, hang it by cutting slits it the corners and putting string or whatever you use to hang it through those. Tie knots to attatch.

Tube Hammock- Like hammock but cut a leg of a pair of pants on put a hole in top or side for ratties to stich their head out. Jeans, sweat pants, pajama pants work fine.

Liner- Measure a piece of material to fit your shelf, let it hang over the edge a little. If you have a cage where the shelf has little attatchment notches that go over the bars, cut slits in your material and put them over the notches. Super Pet cages have these. Then cut a slit in the middle of 2 paralell sides and tie a piece of string in them to tighten the cloth. These have held great for me, though a determined rat would have no problem turning it into bedding.


You can see all of the first 3.

The Tying Fringe Method.
For this method, cut your material a couple inches bigger than you would if you were sewing. On each edge, cut a number of slits in order to make fringe. Do they same number on each piece, you can cut a stack with certain materials and the right scissors. From their tie the knots to attatch two pieces of fabric. The issue I have with these is that they don't hold as well as if you sew, and use much more material. However, it is less time consuming.

For more complex things, I'd suggest sewing. It takes a while with out a machine, but it less frustrating. (I've had limited experience with a machine, it was annoying, but so fast.)
Cube/Triangle Hammock- Cut out each side, sew them together. To hide stitches, turn the thing inside out through the hole. I didn't double fabric, and my rats still love their cube. That and the cardboard box are their favorite spots. I used bad thread on my cube, so it's falling apart. Now I use embroidery floss, which holds well.

Rat Bed/Cuddle Cup- I don't have pics, sorry. I just made this last night, haven't tried it with the rats. It looks cool, I used black fleece, lime green embroidery floss, and on the ouside put some of the blue spotty fabric that I used on the hammock on the outside. I used the waist band (they were pajama pants), unfolded it and took out the elastic, so it had a weird, slightly wrinkled texture, it looks cool.
1. Cut out two circles of the same size, big enough for your rats to sleep on.
2. Sew the cirles together. I put them wrong sides together so the world could see my lime green. I also don't like when there's a section that has different stitching, there's no hole in a cuddle cup like in a cube hammock.
3. Stuff them with polyester or fabric scraps or whatever to make it cushy.
4.Cut a string the legnth of the circumference of the circle.
5. Measure out a piece of fabric the legnth of the string, cut a slight on either end of the fabric the legth you want, the fold it in half and cut it out.
6. Keeping it folded, cut the entrance slightly lower.
7. If you want any decoration, unfold the farbric and put it on. (Like the P.J. pants, except I did this at the the end, so my stitches are visible on the inside of the bed.)
8. Keeping the fabric folded, sew it together, then sew it into a circle.
9. Sew the edge that you just made on the cushion. Sorry I have no pics.

If I feel less lazy or get a machine and get good with it, I might make a couple cat beds, though we have really nice ones.

Good Luck!
I have another idea:
Pocket Cushion

Sew 3 circles, sew 2 together and stuff them. Cut a hole in the 3rd one and sew it one top. I suppose you could also hang it.
My girls favorite place to nest is in their 'sack'. It was a small fabric drawstring bag that I took the drawstring out of and inserted a cut piece of wire coat hanger and bent into a triangle for an opening, then used a hanging chain from an old toy and clipped it to the bars-I also tied a knot in the back of the sack because it was too long, then I cut off the excess. It cost nothing and took maybe 5 minutes to make and they love it. You could do the same with an old pant leg or sweatshirt sleeve, just tie one end in a knot and the opening framing is optional-just hang it. :D
If you dislike sewing like me, go out and buy a grommet gun. Then I buy things like baby burp clothes and placemats, put a grommet in them (you just poke a hole, stick the grommet in, and clamp down with the pliers) and you're ready to go!
Jennicat said:
If you dislike sewing like me, go out and buy a grommet gun. Then I buy things like baby burp clothes and placemats, put a grommet in them (you just poke a hole, stick the grommet in, and clamp down with the pliers) and you're ready to go!
I love those things! I used a million on my Edward Scissorhands costume!
Jennicat said:
If you dislike sewing like me, go out and buy a grommet gun. Then I buy things like baby burp clothes and placemats, put a grommet in them (you just poke a hole, stick the grommet in, and clamp down with the pliers) and you're ready to go!

Oh, wow! That sounds like something even I could do! What does a grommet gun look like and where can I pick one up?
Mine looks like this: ... ce=froogle

I inherited it from my mom, but places like Jo-Anns or Michaels should have them. I'd research online a bit, someone I know bought a pair and they're apparently really hard to use and don't mush the grommets very well. These do make my hands tired, but I can do 4-5 hammocks worth of grommets before I have to stop. I bought a cheapie x-acto knife to stab holes in the things to put the grommets in, and they work really well (and stab human flesh very easily as well, as my sore fingers will attribute. ;))
Thanks, Jennicat! So they're called eyelet pliers? We don't have Jo-Anns here in Canada (at least not that I'm aware of) but we do have Michael's. I'm definitely going to pick one up. At the rate my ratties chew through their hammocks, it's very hard for me to justify paying a vendor $8.00 to $16.00 plus shipping for them, when my boys would be just as happy to munch their way through some dollar store fleece hammies I've put some grommets in and hung up in the cage.
You can also find it at Walmart and Canadian Tire, might be cheaper there than Micheals'.

I made a few of these for Christmas, they were a hit. I'll get Nic to take pics of the ones I gave her.
My favorite toy to give my rats it a treat pinata. its simple, i just fold some of their favorite treats (bananas, dry cereal, yougurt drops etc) into the paper towel, tie it up and hang it just high enough that they have to get on their hind legs, and watch them tear it apart. I'm sure you've all heard it before but it my favoire because its easy and fun to watch.
I've bought packages of eyelets from Walmart and Michaels that come with their own tools so you don't need the gun/pliers tool. They come with a base that you set one half of the eyelet on, and then a metal cylinder that you put in the other half and use a hammer to hit them together. Seems like it might be easier than using the plier/gun tool for some people.

Here's a random picture I found:

I buy dollar store scarves, cut them in half and fold them over again, then pound an eyelet into each corner. They don't usually come in any fun colours, but for 50 cents a hammock I'm not going to complain too loudly.

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