sasha's eyes.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
lawrence, ks
i have noticed for a while that my little sashka's eyes seem to get an 'eye gunk" around them that is dark red/maroonish. i've read places that this is the sign of an upper respiratory infection, but he doesn't seem to be bothered otherwise outside of a bit of squinting... in fact he's quite independent and loves to roam around the apartment while mama does her work... how typical!
i'm hoping that this is just rattie-sleep, but am unsure, anybody know anything bout this?? it would be GREATLY appreciated!!
It's most likely porphyrin which usually indicates illness/stress. If there is no recent change in environment then you'll want to have them checked out at the vets.

Porphyrin is quite common and can be due to illness like respiratory infection but it can also be due to stress. Any kind of stress, like a change such as moving the cage, new pets in the home, change in cage. It can also be environment, like smoke, detergent, fragrance or other air pollution. Can you think of any change lately?
whew :joy: i'm going to assume that it's just stress... sashka is a ball of nervousness for some reason that i've never quite figured out why... plus he just got a new cage mate a few weeks ago, so the rank and file in our house is changing, perhaps that has something to do with it! thanks guys :D