Runny Poo and ABs?

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Senior Member
Mar 4, 2010
Knoxville, TN
Is this normal? Since starting Alex on ABs and now Flux because he's starting to have sneezy fits, they have both had runny poos. I feed them their regular veggies of carrots, broccoli or peas or a mix of two or three daily and they haven't ever gotten poos like that from them so I'm thinking it has to be from the antibiotics?

On the upsides, besides a little porphryn on his nose, Alex is much better and we're getting weight on him. Flux is unhappy with me because he doesn't want the antibiotics -_- So he left wet poos all over the blanket they were on on the couch enough that I had to wash it!
Our boy Kona gets diarrhea when on antibiotics. Although they first time he had antibiotics he seemed to be able to poop on command. My hubby would have him on his shoulder and as soon as he put the syringe by his mouth the poop started coming out. I do have a thread on here about that and I have gotten suggestions for helping with the diarrhea - I'll see if I can find it.

EDIT: Found it
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Some people on the Shack don't give their rats milk products. My rats love yogurt, so they get it as a treat -->with no ill-effects.
Unsalted soda crackers... are those like saltines? If they are then yay, I'll pick some up.

Both of them managed to get runny poos and in retaliation of me forcing Flux to take antibiotics early yesterday, he poo'd not only on the blanket he was on on the couch, but the spare blanket that was behind him... and the one I was curled up in.

Yet later that night and today he had no problems whatsoever taking antibiotics and even tried to push Alex out of the way to get to them. He's so confusing.