RIP Culver 5-22-08

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Culver was my husbands Rat. He was a very large PEW and he was very cranky. He did not like to be picked up. If you did this swoop and scoop with him you could hold him but you could not just reach in and pick him up. Most of the time I could not even do the swoop and scoop. Ryan was pretty much the only one who could handle Culver. Culver was a loner male. He is also my regret rat. I guessed his age wrong. I felt he was a lot older than I now suspect he was. Culver started to grow a tumor on the side of his neck. It grew and grew. I never attempted to have it removed as I felt he was too old to survive surgery. But he kept right on living. I now think he was younger than originally thought and I regret not having him neutered and I regret not having the tumor removed.

He was a huge spirit and he will be missed by us all. Run and play hard my naughty Culver man!!!




I am so sorry for the loss of Culver. My sincerest thoughts to your husband too. :hugs: