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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2011
I read somewhere that rats can eat garlic. I also read that garlic/onion can kill dogs/cats. Garlic is great with fighting illness, so if it's safe, I'd love to give it to my rats the second I see a symptom or something. Does anyone know if feeding a bit of garlic every now and then is OK?
It does wonders for me when I start feeling a cold coming on...
jorats- I've seen that it's okay in one or two articles, but you know how the internet works... they were pretty trusted websites, though, so I'll try it and see.

KatTheHippie- I've never seen a ratty fart. I'm pretty excited about the experience. ;)
I've fed garlic to mine before after reading an article somewhere (can't remember where, unfortunately, or I'd link it - it had a lot of nifty little tips) that it boosts their immune systems. My guys seem to love it, a little sprinkle on their food and they really dive in. The immune system effect is pretty visible too, I've mixed some in when somebody's been a little overly sneezy before and the little guy in question (Tom) was fine by the next morning. Just be prepared for the cage to smell like pizza for an hour or two ^^
irime89- Ah. Okay, thanks! I'll feed it in the morning before I leave and open the window- then I won't be home to inhale the worst stench. ;)

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