MYSTIC_ONYX, I am typically a silent lurker in the rat shack but I must break my silence as I am extremely concerned about your rats. Frankly, I am surprised that you are not concerned as well. Have you considered that your rats are attempting to destroy your bible because they are satanic or perhaps possessed by an unholy spirit? I mean no disrespect but I think this is likely, and you may only have so much time to act. I suggest first attempting a rat exorcism, especially if they are also experiencing other unholy behaviours such as blasphemous rage, speaking in tongues, or an aversion to holy symbols. If the exorcism is unsuccessful at ceasing their unholy behaviour, I would assume they are simply followers of the satanic church. In this case I would strongly advise you to give them space to practice their religion, and avoid reading the bible in their presence as it may seem disrespectful.
Good luck, and have a beautiful night.