rat bites...WARNING graphic bloody pics

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David and I were both bitten by Quilt in his first days with us, before he was neutered. Each of us has a scar on our first finger that has permanent nerve damage, and they didn't look anywhere NEAR that bad. Ouch, you win for bad bite. =(
fenshae said:
If there's pus and you're feeling icky I'd DEFINITELY recommend going to the doctor! There's always a chance you could get a blood infection and those are NOT something you want to deal with. On your hand now are there any red "trails" or marks going up your hand away from the bite, like in your skin?

Better safe than sorry when there's a possibility of infection!

no nothing like that, it's better than in the pic, less swollen now and i managed to get some of the 'black' away :sick2:
Ive never been bit :)
I got bit by a hamster once, and my dog by accident, but thats the only time ive ever been bitten by an animal (except my stupid parrot who likes to try bite on a daily basis :roll: )
I have been bitten many times...taking in some frightened/aggressive rats, having the half wild rats, etc.
Par for the course. I don't like getting bitten but I have learned how to "take a bite" LOL. In the middle of an awful rat situation, I would rather be the one bitten than a smaller more defenseless rat.

I have also learned how to deal with them for the best healing/least pain.

Stop bleeding by pressure, if this doesn't work, then I use a rubber band tourniquet with bandaging. Run for ibuprofen, this is the most vital, the swelling is what causes so many issues after a bite. Feel sorry for yourself for a little while until ibu kicks in, then try to only use that hand for a day or so minimally. I find that this method is the best one yet...the scary swelling that causes so much pain, and can last up to a week just doesn't occur.

I also am one of those people who take pics LOLOL

Asha bite...fear/aggressive girl..became sweet over time but had strange fits of jekyll/hyde behavior with her cagemates...

Dudley Do-Bite - hormonal untouchable male. Was neutered and is a pudding cake now :)

The 2 hormonal aggressive Montreal boys...from a hoarding situation. Poor beggars were neutered. Both still here, but Declan has 2 little girlfriends and sadly Max tries to kill other rats, but is a nicer boy to me now


And my fav's were the original Wildlings. These rats bit hard and fast, with NO reservations. They bit through leather gloves like butter. One girl bit me 5 times on 2 fingers, but I still held her and told her she was okay, and that I loved her. Ruined my comforter on my bed though :cheeky:

ratloveandcute, if you are seeing clear fluid coming out, don't worry, if its yellowish and thicker, then its pus/bacteria and you will need a doctor.

I also want to add, that ALL of these were my fault, for disregarding body language, being careless, etc. Rats don't usually bite for the fun of it, and most owners will never get bitten in their lives.
Haha I love your pictures ;) :giggle:

A couple are familiar to me.. been bitten a lot and I'm liking the new style bed cover. I wish I'd done that with this bite, it soaked through double sheets of kitchen towel several times when I was applying pressure.
I've been told the opposite by a doctor. Animal bites should never be stitched up unless very deep because it needs to breathe.

I've had my fair share of bites and some right to the bone. It hurts for a bit then it's over and you become more careful. That's how I learned how to read body language and predict what the animal will do as a result, I hardly ever get bitten anymore.
jorats said:
I've been told the opposite by a doctor. Animal bites should never be stitched up unless very deep because it needs to breathe.

I've had my fair share of bites and some right to the bone. It hurts for a bit then it's over and you become more careful. That's how I learned how to read body language and predict what the animal will do as a result, I hardly ever get bitten anymore.
:nod: this is what I do now too, and I hardly ever get bitten!
I also refused stitches with my Brillo bites... it's best to leave 'em open.
you might want to go to the doc. I was bitten like that once and I have to go on antiabotics.....my entire hand swelled up all the way to my wrist. the bite had gone into the bone and if I didnt go in I would have ended up with a blood infection. it was not fun
ratsrule76 said:
you might want to go to the doc. I was bitten like that once and I have to go on antiabotics.....my entire hand swelled up all the way to my wrist. the bite had gone into the bone and if I didnt go in I would have ended up with a blood infection. it was not fun
this is what happened to me the first time Brillo bit me, gawd I love him!
Marylou said:
Well, if a person wanting to consider a rat as a pet and sees this, they sure will change their mind.

I have never seen a rat bite that gross.

I'm kind of a lurker, but I just had to respond to this comment because it's rather silly.

Anyone who considers any type of pet should know that owning any kind of animal is a risk. The majority of pets can be trained and handled to prevent them from biting, and as I have seen in stories on this forum, many are able to train biters out of the act, but it could happen anytime, even from a pet who is never aggressive because of a certain situation.

Dogs bite, cats scratch & bite, horses bite & kick, hamsters/mice/ferrets/whatever as well. In reality, anybody anywhere considering any type of animal as a companion could change their mind based on the risk that the animal could possibly cause some harm.

If someone is considering rats and changes their mind because a rat could bite them, then they may as well throw out the idea of owning a pet at all.
This is from Spinach and the reason why none of the rats are allowed near my face.

Had a black eye for a few days
Oreo has made a dart for my eyes a couple of times.
My bed is like a sofa, pull-out sorta deal, and he was up on the "sofa" part, and i was laying down. I turned to see where he was, and (he was right next to my face) and made a snap at my eye.

I learned after they are intrigued by eyelashes?
Tuesday said:
Marylou said:
Well, if a person wanting to consider a rat as a pet and sees this, they sure will change their mind.

I have never seen a rat bite that gross.

I'm kind of a lurker, but I just had to respond to this comment because it's rather silly.

Anyone who considers any type of pet should know that owning any kind of animal is a risk. The majority of pets can be trained and handled to prevent them from biting, and as I have seen in stories on this forum, many are able to train biters out of the act, but it could happen anytime, even from a pet who is never aggressive because of a certain situation.

Dogs bite, cats scratch & bite, horses bite & kick, hamsters/mice/ferrets/whatever as well. In reality, anybody anywhere considering any type of animal as a companion could change their mind based on the risk that the animal could possibly cause some harm.

If someone is considering rats and changes their mind because a rat could bite them, then they may as well throw out the idea of owning a pet at all.

Well said! *salutes* I don't think that knowing an animal can bite/hurt you is what discourages people from getting a pet. Otherwise they wouldn't get a pet at all!