Pregnant rat wrestling

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I recently got 2 female rats and one was pregnant apparently. I didn't know for a bit so I kept the 2 females together and separated them once I noticed that one was pregnant. They wrestled a lot even when she was heavily pregnant (I only noticed she was pregnant recently because her nipples started showing) and I'm wondering if that might hurt the babies inside of her? I'm worried they will come out messed up because I heard that pregnant rats are super delicate. Am I being paranoid or should I be prepared for damaged babies?
I think they will be ok. Pregnant mother should know how far she can push before something goes wrong.
They should be ok, but keep an eye on her - watch for vaginal discharge such as spotting blood
most births go ok and mom and babies are usually fine, but pet owners need to be prepared for labour emergencies
such as having a vet lined up in case an emergency C-section is needed
knowing of a nursing mama in case your girl dies etc

please see :
They should be ok, but keep an eye on her - watch for vaginal discharge such as spotting blood
most births go ok and mom and babies are usually fine, but pet owners need to be prepared for labour emergencies
such as having a vet lined up in case an emergency C-section is needed
knowing of a nursing mama in case your girl dies etc

please see :
thanks for the links. Also my pregnant rat is now acting super hyper, running around and acting like she is panicking (she just seems really jumpy and not acting like herself) . I can't find anything in the links you sent me that mention it so should I be worried? Shes jumping around so I don't think shes going into labor.
I don't know …. but is it possible that she is having contractions and frightened? or that she is in pain?
Is her breathing ok?
her breathing seems fine. Its just her running around (she's normally not that hyper) is freaking me out. She seems scared since things that wouldn't freak her out before (louder noises, me looking at her) are freaking her out and causing her to panic. She doesn't seem to be in pain though. At least not that I can tell. Now she's hiding in her nest that I made for her. I feel bad since she seems too young to have babies and maybe she doesn't know what to do. At least she seems to have calmed down a little bit. Sorry if I'm rambling I'm just trying to give all the info since I want her to be OK and I don't want to ignore anything thats a red flag.
The wrestling is a non-issue don't worry. They aren't that delicate really.

as for the nerves, how pregnant is she? If she's unsure what's going on and you're a new home, her maternal instincts could be kicking in telling her to protect her unborn babies, its more of a psychological imperative.
If she becomes nippy, that is also what is happening. If she becomes bitey, let us know and we'll tell you how to handle her until her hormones subside.

What type of enclosure,bedding, cage and nesting material does she have? How long has she been away from her friend? This could cause stress and cause her to act like this if she's suddenly alone.
The wrestling is a non-issue don't worry. They aren't that delicate really.

as for the nerves, how pregnant is she? If she's unsure what's going on and you're a new home, her maternal instincts could be kicking in telling her to protect her unborn babies, its more of a psychological imperative.
If she becomes nippy, that is also what is happening. If she becomes bitey, let us know and we'll tell you how to handle her until her hormones subside.

What type of enclosure,bedding, cage and nesting material does she have? How long has she been away from her friend? This could cause stress and cause her to act like this if she's suddenly alone.

its probably her being alone now thinking about it. She's used to having her sister around and I separated them today because her sister kept trying to play and she's been with me for 2ish weeks now (I forgot when I bought her exactly :/ ) so I don't think its a good idea to keep them together. she's not bitey she just seemed panicked and hyper. She's calmed down now and is acting like her old self so I think she was just moody or something.

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