Possibly sick rat?

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So i have an almost 2 year old hairless female rat. She's always been very curious and friendly and hyper, taking any chance she can to get out of the cage. But lately, she seems to be lethargic. She won't get out of bed when I come to the cage with treats and she just wants to sleep all the time. She is sneezing a lot but there's no discharge from her nose or raspy breathing and she's mostly silent. One of her eyes seems a bit watery and squinty and she won't eat her normal rat food. Only the vegetables I give them. My other rat is a bit good agressive and often hides the good from her so I thought she might not be eating enough. So if separated them for a while but she still does not seem too interested in anything but treats. She's drinking the honey water I put in the cage at least.
She just seems over all slow and unlike herself. Tired all the time, sneezy, loss of appetite, and sometimes unbalanced. I'm really concerned but I don't know what's wrong with her. Someone please help??

Also, she had some kind of small puffy spot under her arm. Kinda looks like what a small blister looks like on a person.
Can you offer her a small light treat and see if she fails the "cheerio test" so we can rule out PT? Maybe get us a video of her walking around or trying to eat the treat?


Today she seemed a little better. I took her out of the cage and she trotted around a bit on the bed. I have her a cheerio and she took it and ate with both hands standing up like normal and even ate some rat food all by herself. Although she still seems a bit slow, she was bruxing and walking around like normal today. Though her eye still seems to be a bit of an issue as well as her sneezing. I recorded her where she's a bit squeaky and sneezed up some of that red stuff while cleaning her face.
Here's pictures of her eye. It's been like this for a few days. The video won't upload. But she had been a bit squeaky and then sneezed up the red stuff


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Please take her to a good rat vet as she may need meds

You could try soaking her blocks in cold water to make mush
You ca also feed her organic soy infant formula (sold in baby section of grocery stores) thickened with a bit of baby cereal (kind that says add milk). If she is unable to eat it out of a dish, she may lick it off your finger. This will provide her with nutrition as well as help to keep her hydrated.
Some people also feed ill rats baby food.

How is she doing now?

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