Possibly pregnant rat

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I received two albino rats as a gift on July 1st. They came from petco and was told they were both males. One was obviously male the other wasn’t so obvious but I just trusted they were both males. Now the one in question is gaining weight and is becoming more aggressive, when he was my sweet curious little adventurer. I have a bin already set up in case I need to separate them if he is a pregnant female. My question I guess is, should I separate them? I am worried about separating them if I am wrong and he is just gaining weight, I don’t want to take him from his friend. Any advice appreciated. Just want to do the right thing for them.
How old are they? If they are young please separate them for now.

Weight the rattie each day at the same time and record the weights. Use a digital scale that weighs accurately to 1 gram and has a tare function - this type of scale is important for rat owners to have.

Post some pictures of your rattie showing gentile area and the tummy from the side and from the front.

Please see the pictures re males and females in the Reference Thread https://www.ratshackforum.com/threads/reference-thread-read-only.35894/
I am not sure if exact age. Not babies as look look fully grown. Will definitely get a scale to start tracking weight. Biggest problem is I am still doing trust training with them as they are very scared of people. Ichabod (the rat in question) has begun climbing on my legs but when he sees my hands he runs. He won’t trust me to pick him yet or climb on my hands. Here are the best pics I have. And will try to get more if needed.


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It looks like Ichabod may be pregnant.
Normal gestation is 21.5 days and most weight is gained in the last week, so you will know soon.

Do either of the ratties have testicles?

Ichabod will need to live in a baby safe cage - small bar spacing, no levels or hammocks, nothing containing threads ……..
Ichabod may want to start building nests
If so give strips of paper towel as they do not contain threads

Rats can get pregnant within 24 hours of giving birth so it is important girls are not in with boys when they give birth

Please see the Reference Thread for links about pregnancy, birth, babies etc
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Yes my other rat, splinter is obviously male. So I should go ahead and separate them just in case?
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He is pair shaped that is true. I have been doing a bunch of reading and got myself more confused that’s why I finally posted here. He has gained weight but no signs of nipples or nesting behavior and definitely not sleeping more. He is super active, up during the day running around if I am close by and up all night. He has just started climbing on my legs during his play time. I just hope if he is pregnant it doesn’t set his training back because it has been slow going but he has made so much progress.

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