Posey's (maybe) Pregnancy Thread

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Junior Member
May 28, 2014
Barrie, Ontario
I've got my new girl here. Quick recap she is 1.5 years old and was housed with two males. Pregnancy is a possibility.

She is very sweet, but very shy. She is absolutely TERRIFIED of cats. My rats could care less about the cats, and the cats have been taught since kittens to stay away. But sweet little Posey bolts away if they walk across the other side of the room. Same with any loud noise, odd noise or quick movement. She doesn't mind the dogs. It's obvious she was handled at least a bit though. She doesn't like to be on the couch, desk, etc. Every time I put her down somewhere she climbs onto me. If I take her near her cage she gets very eager to get back inside, but does come to the front of the cage cautiously.

She seems healthy. She's not skinny, no scabs, no sneezing, wheezing or clicking, no breathing trouble. There isn't a scratch on her, even though the owner said the boys were scaring her. I put her on the couch with my shyest girl and they got on just fine. Posey would hide behind the other girl when something spooked her.

But she does walk funny. It's like she spreads her back legs far apart and waddles low to the ground. I'll get a video later, I can't upload one right now because it kills the internet. I don't know if that will effect her pregnancy/delivery, or the babies.

She is extremely similar looking to one of my girls, markings are just a little different. I don't know if I could easily tell them apart if they were in the same cage. I have two other "twins" though and I always manage lol.

September 9 - 324g (she doesn't look pregnant yet)



Ooh lucky lovely girl!!

The wide stance can be fear...they will stay close to the ground when nervous...they almost flatten. Do you know what her cage was? If a tank, how big it was? If she's not used to moving around much she also may not have a lot of muscle development, this will also improve in time :D
Ooh lucky lovely girl!!

The wide stance can be fear...they will stay close to the ground when nervous...they almost flatten. Do you know what her cage was? If a tank, how big it was? If she's not used to moving around much she also may not have a lot of muscle development, this will also improve in time :D

They had her and the males in a small rabbit/guinea pig cage. It was probably 24"x18". So not the worst thing possible, but not large enough for 3 rats. I'll see if she stops doing that when she settles in a bit more.

Genetics question... The males both had standard ears so the babies would have standard ears right? I secretly prefer standard ears, dumbo ears just look so silly to me lol.
She is just precious...such a lucky girl to be with you too, as Lilspaz said. I hope things go well with her. Sending her my love..
Hi beautiful Posey! I hope you are not preggo!

She hopefully will come around once you start spending lots of time with her. Most of my rats have been quite fearful of the cats, but feel safe in their cage. Even with the door of the room shut, they won't venture far from the cage. I would never have to worry about one taking off in the house, that's for sure!
If daddy rat was standard, they may or many not be all standard.. depends if dad is a dumbo carrier or not.. if he is a carrier, you will probably get a few dumbos, but it not, all should be standard eared.. assuming she is pregnant, which (as cute as she is) i hope she isnt :p
So dumbo is recessive to standard?

Argh I always get that one wrong, Standard is the dominant gene, and dumbo is the recessive that DOES carry.

I found this example showing the possibilities....

Here are breeding probabilities:

dumbo x dumbo= 100% dumbo

dumbo x standard ear, but dumbo carrier = 50% dumbo, 50% standard ear

standard ear, but dumbo carrier x standard ear, but dumbo carrier= 25% dumbo, 75% standard ear

dumbo x standard ear (no dumbo gene carried)= 100% standard ear

standard ear (no dumbo gene carried) x standard ear (no dumbo gene carried)= 100% standard ears
Hi beautiful Posey! I hope you are not preggo!

She hopefully will come around once you start spending lots of time with her. Most of my rats have been quite fearful of the cats, but feel safe in their cage. Even with the door of the room shut, they won't venture far from the cage. I would never have to worry about one taking off in the house, that's for sure!

Geez mine are always absolutely clamoring to get out every time I even walk in the bedroom. I only trust 1 of the 9 residents I have enough to turn my back. :D
Gosh, if I left my CN's open I'd have rats all over the house lol. I actually let my 3 year old run around the house a couple times a day, with me right behind him so he doesn't get lost. He LOVES it. He get so antsy for his run if I don't get him out.
September 9 - 324g
September 10 - 326g
Our scale got packed (we're moving) so I won't be able to weigh her again until Saturday

The way she walks is still bothering me. It just doesn't look right. I took a video. To me, you can only really see the funny walk when she is walking away from you. At the very end (last 5 seconds) it shows it pretty well. She seems to stand on her hind feet well though.


I asked the previous owner about it because I thought maybe she had an injury. The girl said she has walked like this since she was got her from a pet store as a baby. So I'm a bit worried about a physical defect that could be passed on to the babies, or trouble delivering.
Well gosh I'm no expert but her walk looks fine to me. She's waddling but I just attribute that to her little Buddha belly.
She looks like an older girl with slightly flat feet/stance.

She may or may not be pregnant. Keep weighing. I don't see anything wrong with her though, she's really adorable!! :heart:

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