Perth Rat Rescue & Rehab - Perth, Western Australia

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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2008
Perth, W.A.
Well we are still around but have not posted much at the rat shack lately as we are full of rescues and there is no end in sight.

Unfortunately everyone is wanting girls so at the end of last week i still had 9 boys to rehome. Then things got worse. A ranger from another area got in contact with me because they had found a box in a park. The box contained 8 adult rats and 7 pinky's. They had homes for 5 of the 6 males but the females and their babies were in limbo. The other rangers wanted to kill them so we got one of our foster carers to run down there and get these girls and last little guy.

Both girls are actually quite calm. They are both sharing the duties of the 7 bubs and everyone is settling in. Poor little darling are just lucky the ranger contacted me.
The down side, the girls were in the same box with the boys. These bubs look to be around 3-4 days old so the best we can tell have been with the boys for at least 2-3 days after delivery. We are preparing for another 2 litters as there is no way to stop this freight train if it is coming. No spaying as the bubs need their mums, and the girls i don't think, have the body condition for either surgery or more litters. They are probably around 6 months of age but underweight as best i can tell.

Some pic to make you go awww anyways..
One momma having a look around and munch while the other keeps the babies warm and safe.

Thanks Mamarat.
I would hate to think what would have happened if the ranger didn't get a call to say there was a suss package at the park. Predators galore. Very lucky little fur babies to have been found and for the ranger to not want them killed.
BABIES!!!!! Who would dump a box into the woods like that!!!??? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :redhot:

You live in Perth? Lucky you!

Heath Ledger was from Perth and I just ADORE him!!!! Still can't believe that he died at so young an age. He was such an amazing actor. :heart:
I know, these people have no soul!!
The girls are both nippy, i really just want to snuggle with them but they just want to eat and sleep with their babies so i will let them have their way for now. Bubs are all growing but not developing as quickly as other litters have. They were found in the box at the park last Thursday, making them 7 days old but i can still see milk bellies, normally after 3-4 days it is almost impossible to see this.

Jenn, yes i live in Perth and Heath Ledger was born here too (not that i personally knew him, shame, cause he was HOT!!). He was an amazing actor, and such a loving dad too.
We are into day 13 since these mums and bubs were found and everyone is doing well :joy:

Just some updated pics for those interested..

Bubs last night

And mums

This was the mum that is more mouthy and nippy. She is trusting me now and will allow me to touch her and will also climb all over me.

This mum is shyer but i think we are looking at a rather large belly. What do you girls think?


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