Penis Plugs

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2007
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Ahh this lovely topic!

When I first got pet rats I had no idea that when the males got older they start to have trouble reaching their private parts to clean them. This especially becomes apparent when they begin to lose hind end function and can't quite balance to get to it anymore

Male rats normally clean this area a few times a day so they don't have any problems, when they can't clean it they get this icky build up that collects in their prepuce. The build up is normal excretions that come from the male reproductive glands. If the rat stops cleaning the area on his own it can form a plug that not only can cause massive irritation but they can also start to have problems urinating.

Dilbert (Shelagh's sweet natured man aka my pickle rat) was kind enough to let allow us to use his photos for an example.

In the first picture (sideways view) Shelagh places two fingers on either side of the prepuce.


Second pic of a better view of finger placement


Slight pressure applied in this way allows you to move the preputial skin back to expose the penis and therefore see if there is a plug. Soaking the rat in a warm sitz bath prior to exposing the area tends to help in plug removal if there is one. If a plug is present gently use your fingers or a damp washcloth to wipe the area until it is removed.

Just as a side not, this can be done by one person but it takes practice and persistance. The rat is usually not a willing participant.

Also the above pics are also of a neutered rat in case the testicles were not apparent, sorry Dilbert we still love ya!

And here is another link that shows the physical plug better:
I'm having to molest my poor Mister these days. He needs his done every day.

I like to take the rat, have his back pressed against my stomach so we are both in a upright position. I feel I have a better way of coaxing the little weewee out that way.
I've noticed an upside down old manrat is an unhappy rat.
Umm... ok so an old manrat having his weewee played with is generally an unhappy rat too. :pffft:
Very true Jorats very true. When I had to check Dusty daily, he has since gotten back "on the job" I would sit/support him on my left leg while holding him from behind with my right hand with his belly facing me, he got less squirmy once he figured ot I was trying to help him but it still had to be done quick. I'd use my left hand to coax it out.
jorats said:
Umm... ok so an old manrat having his weewee played with is generally an unhappy rat too. :pffft:

LOL @ Jorats.

Dilbert is so good for demonstrating this. He deserves lots of treats.
Actually, this was an interesting post because my boys are the first male rats I've ever had and I was unaware of this plug. In the past, I've had help my geriatric females bath themselves when they could no longer clean themselves.

Oh, and Dilbert certainly deserves extra treats for being such a great volunteer for the photo session! :angel2:
Linda said:
Actually, this was an interesting post because my boys are the first male rats I've ever had and I was unaware of this plug. In the past, I've had help my geriatric females bath themselves when they could no longer clean themselves.

Oh, and Dilbert certainly deserves extra treats for being such a great volunteer for the photo session! :angel2:

Me too :holysheep: I had no idea about this. This is also my first time with boys hopefully by the time my guys get old enough for that to happen, my bf will be around to do it, I mean he has more experience with those type of body parts :nahnah:
That's good info Mamarat2. If a person's never encountered it before they might not realize it could need doing. I'm sure a lot of boys will be unhappy but feel much better for your bringing it up.

Jo, I'm hating to hear that Mister is requiring this special care :(

I've always done it wth them upright as you do Jo, and find it helps if they are holding a treat to distract them at the time.
I haven't tried it upright with Dusty yet, since Jo first told me about that a few weeks ago he hasn't needed to be cleaned, knock on wood! And as far as giving them a treat goes, he wants nothing to do with a treat while I am trying to do that.
Guess I was lucky, Caleb's hind end degeneration got very bad but he could still manage to keep himself clean in all areas. He would use the couch to support himself and he really worked at it. Such a sweet boy ...
SQ said:
Guess I was lucky, Caleb's hind end degeneration got very bad but he could still manage to keep himself clean in all areas. He would use the couch to support himself and he really worked at it. Such a sweet boy ...

Was Caleb neutered Holly? I have heard that neutered boys have very little problems with penis plugs. Sebastian had no problem taking care of himself too to the very end. :)
Yes, he was neutered.
Thanks, I wasn't aware there was a difference between neutered and unneutered boys
... Linda etc. will be glad to hear that :)
Guess that explains why Lyman is doing so well, even tho he is loosing the use of his hind end :(

It wasn't easy for Caleb but with the support against his back, he managed very well.
He was such a sweet, determined little boy.
SQ said:
Yes, he was neutered.
Thanks, I wasn't aware there was a difference between neutered and unneutered boys
... Linda etc. will be glad to hear that :)

Yup, you bet I am happy to hear that... :lol:...since all my boys are neutered.
Just a question for all you on the topic of our little male's boy-parts. I was curious as to whether my boys would let me handle them to check for possible problems someday, and I was able to wrestle Guild and Rose down and check them. I noticed on Rose's penis that there was a bit of thin black goop... does anyone know what this could be? He's peeing (as the dribbles on my arms constantly will attest to) and seems fine. I wonder if this could be something from the yesterday's news, with that being a dark color. Again, I have no worries because he's acting normal in that respect. I think he was shocked that mommy molested him XD
As for getting them used to it....I try to get my boys used to me holding them like a baby (on their back) when they are younger. That way when I need to start doing plug checks at an older age they are somewhat used to at least being held that way. Some will let you check, others its a bit of a battle the first few times.

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