Peanut's eye thread - Possibly NOT the end!

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You might want to try syringing really liquidy foods in and fluids to keep him stable til Tuesday. Poor lad, what a mess :( You're doing great...just keep going!
Who is the person with the ratty cheer team? We need those encouragements here!

That's me, and I'm personally cheering him on!

You might want to try syringing really liquidy foods in and fluids to keep him stable til Tuesday. Poor lad, what a mess :( You're doing great...just keep going!

Its smaller today - What are the chances it is at a point where it will actually dry up now? I put a bowl of chucky chicken soup in their cage yesterday. He didn't show interest at the time, but I'm hoping he ate some of it. I just put drops in it he has guard rats on patrol - Grumpy and Throttle are laying across him on a hammock. He fights unbelievably with just the syringe medications I don't want to stress him with syringing fluids too. I think he'll be alright until tomorrow. I'll put a watery bowl of baby cereal in the cage now since he doesn't get antibiotics for hours.
Good luck at the doctors tomorrow, Peanut.. I'm so sorry you and your baby are going through this, it's absurd how much they're fighting you. I wish there was another knowledgeable vet around that you could look in to, one that'll listen to you more, and not put you or your baby through so much stress.

Here's hoping for a quick surgery, successful enucleation, and quickly healing, healthy, happy ratties.

My boys and I are sending you good thoughts and healing vibes.
Good luck at the doctors tomorrow, Peanut.. I'm so sorry you and your baby are going through this, it's absurd how much they're fighting you. I wish there was another knowledgeable vet around that you could look in to, one that'll listen to you more, and not put you or your baby through so much stress.

Here's hoping for a quick surgery, successful enucleation, and quickly healing, healthy, happy ratties.

My boys and I are sending you good thoughts and healing vibes.

Thanks, I'm just thankful that through all this he has never really seemed to be in pain. I wish we hadn't separated him from his friends earlier in the week he seems much happier with them and they aren't bothering it at all.
Unfortunately its a very finicky surgery. They need to detach ligaments (there's a lot), detach the optic nerve, tie off all those blood vessels.

That's doesn't make me feel better since I'm not sure they have done this before!!!! I hope they don't kill him....
My vet never removed a rats leg till ace. he did fine. You have to trust your vets. It is like shelagh said the same thing just a smaller animal.
I'm sure they've don surgeries on kittens before, they're pretty similar in size, sending you guys love tomorrow [emoji170]
HOLY COW, Dspch, I just now saw this thread and I had no freaking idea this was going on with my sweet boy Peanut! Noooo! I just spent the last 15 minutes reading all the posts and updates and I am so furious that this vet kept putting you off and asking you to wait,

So Peanut (and his very worried and stressed Mommy) had to endure all this while the vet made you wait!!?? You are soooo justified in being ready to tell them off. I am so furious I am beside myself! :gaah:

I LOVE Peanut, as I do all of the babies here on the forum (and he is of course Achilles' fellow fat man buddy) and I am so sorry you have gone through all this with this freakin' vet. Gahhh, I could kill them for putting you and Peanut through this! (Sorry, I am half Mexican and I love him to bits, so thus explains my temper and my passionate defensivness of my sweet ratty nephew... :roll:)

Deep breath. Okay.

Dspch, I am so sorry about all the hell they have put Peanut (and you) through, and please remember we are all rooting for him. He is part of our rat family here of course and I am so proud (as you must be) of how brave and strong he is being and trying his best to hang in there.

Give those bleeping folks a piece of your mind, by all means. Sending all my love, kisses and cuddles to Peanut. Hang in there brave boy..we are all behind you!

Keep us posted, and extra hugs for you both, of course! :hugs:
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They may not have done a rat, but they've probably done many other animals, like cats and dogs and its basically the same surgery, just a smaller animal.

I'm sure they've don surgeries on kittens before, they're pretty similar in size, sending you guys love tomorrow [emoji170]

Today is the day isnt it?

The don't treat cats and dogs for anything other than acupuncture, exotics only for medical/surgical. Yes, he daddy just left to take him - surgery is at noon!
Who is the person with the ratty cheer team? We need those encouragements here!

lol that would be dspch herself! But maybe we can let her take her turn as a worried mom today while the rest of us pitch in to cheer for Peanut...
:cheering::cheering::cheering::cheering:Goooooooo PEANUT!:cheering::cheering::cheering::cheering:

Hope all goes well with your boy today and he can finally start to come back from this ordeal. Thinking good thoughts for him and you both.
Yes i have been thinking about him this morning a lot. I imagine he is in there now and I'm sending all kinds of good vibrations that direction~~~~