New *pregnant?* girls from abandoned apartment

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I've had it a few months now. No its not my favourite I'd like a digital flat kitchen scale this one is pressure dial produce scale. I just have had boys lately so didn't get a better one because it was just for watching some of my quieter boys' weights to be sure they gained and ate enough.
They could also be so early on like just a week pregnant so I'll have to physically and weight wise keep my eye on them until we're sure we've past the pregnancy zone
Still weighing in but not a big change again.
Going to see about a new digital kitchen scale today. See how much one will cost.
Currently out of work so its kind of a necessity only thing. Either way I am prepared (as one can get) for baby ratties. Dr. Robinson is aware of her potential state. We went over her weights (over the phone) and he said its too sporadic to be sure. But he and his student assistant are on speed dial should I need them.
He said just to observe for blood drops, extreme changes in nesting, her belly protruding etc. If any one of those things is to an extreme call him! I think he secretly wants to see a litter born lol. He hasn't ever seen one. He said most people don't call a vet for baby rats or care about the birth like I do. He's done a guinea pig c-section but never seen a rat younger thebn 3 weeks.
The girls are getting big. Starting to look like little ladies.

Oracle who is too busy to let me get good pictures

Lovely lady Goddess
Oracle is a nut! She is outgoing and the first to want out of the cage. When she's on the couch she's non-stop zig-zaggn all over. Steals whatever food I might have.

Goddess is more shy still but will give me kisses now n then.
She usually heads straight up to the top of the couch with the pillows and stuffies and rearranges them and then hunkers down. She won't take any food until she feels she's absolutely safe.
We are getting 2 mice today. They were born at Pet Valu where I now work and am already feeling like I make a difference. ..unlike when I was at Petsmart and no one cared at all.
2 preg mice came in with the feeders and they both gave birth the same night. 22 babies between them. We lost 8 through the first few weeks. But now they are weaned and I separated them Wednesday. One baby has an eye issue. I don't know how long he's had it as I just started.
If it weren't for my base knowledge of rodent gestation and maturity the mice would all be pregnant within a week. I was like, how old are the mice now and they were like '5-6 weeks I think' I was like ok we need to separate before we end up with 100 more babies. With 9 baby girls, 2 mommas and 4 boys it was gonna happen again!
So as I was separating the boys I see this wee lil boy with the biggest ears. And he has his eye all swollen shut :( I couldn't let him just stay there. So I stashed him in a cage in the back room with "do not sell" on it. I also picked out another outgoing sweet big eared boy to keep with him.
They have names already as daddy is excited to have mice. ONE-EYE and BOI
One-eye is a character from a movie. Bf is not a fan of pirates lol
This is one eye. You may be able to see hia puffy cloudy eye

This is Boi! He's so handsome. They are so sweet!
Yes. We have the drops from Wally's eye leftover. Talked to Dr. Robinson and he said use one drop twice a day.
They are tiny. They are in a mouse cage, loving being able to climb!

They are being treated like rats, getting handled and kissed. They smell a bit more with their pee and they poop a lot when out but that still may be a fear response.


One-eye's eye is clearing up quickly. He looks so much better already!
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They are super cute! But like before I owned rats haha mice kinda gross me out with all their yucky mousyness :) Maybe some day when I can further step out of my OCD germophobia bubble I might check out the mouse owner world but for now I will stick to rats,dogs and kids..that is as much as I can handle at the moment!
Haha ya I have to get used to their smell. Its a bit more potent and being males they pee on EVERYTHING. Make sure I wear a shirt I don't care about when I play with them cuz it will smell like mouse pee when I'm done.
All my rats dribble here and there on me the brats!...Not sure I could handle a strongish smell but I have been known to change due to rat pee haha some days I tolerate better than others.They are super duper cute though!! I'll just enjoy them through you.
Already his eye is a hundred times better.
He's so sweet. They come to the door of their cage when its snack time they aren't keen on a lot of extras except pumpkin and melon seeds but they check everything thats offered.

One-Eye who has 2 healthy eyes!



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