New betta! *pics*

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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
Barrie, ON
tehe I got a new betta fishie! She is yellow!! =D She is very hyper, always on the go and likes to spite me and my camera I think I got maybe three decent pics the rest were half-decent. :p I got her last night <3 Her name is Soldrak.

So now welcome Soldrak!










Soldrak's temeperary bowl:

Here is Sly:




And Riddick:


Riddicks bubble nest:

And Cherry:

All four bowls:

And one bad one of Venus:

Here is my latest tank, an eclipse 12 gallon! I think it looks pretty hawt....I just need a nice rock for it....=D
Welcome home Soldrak!!!!
And hello Sly, Riddick, Cherry & Venus.

I almost gotta betta a couple days ago when I took my neighbours to get their dog groomed at Petsmart.... I watched this kid for 15 minutes and it was a wonderful break from the lunacy of life. I always feel so sorry for them all, at least Petsmart had larger cups with lids on them - Petcetera has plastic picnic drink glasses without lids and I've seen them on on the floor there after flipping out of the cup, even seen them walked on :cry3:
I still have the tank I had mine in, one happily for 2 1/4 years, then one had white growth and died next day.... people told me my tank is small, and I don't know anything about fish so I don't know if I am offering better than their other prospects or not ... so I didn't adopt that fish....

But I'm sure happy for Soldrak that she has some space and love in this world! She looks likea ray of sunshine. I hope you enjoy each other for a long, long time!
Thank you =)

Bettas aren't to hard once you get the hang of it but if you ever decide to adopt a betta check out this forum They are very passionate about fish espically bettas much like people are are about rats on here and they would help you learn. =)

That is horrible about that Pet Cetera though!! :mad:
Your link doesn't work Randomrat. but I'd appreciate if you could make it work?
I don't want any more obligations, but after all I still have the tank.... And honestly - I see people call all kinds of things 'rescues', I don't know what could be more a rescue than a swimming creature trapped still in a cup that isn't wide enough for it's nose to tailtip. I don't understand how every damn pet store can get away with putting them in these restrictive little cups while do-gooders walk right past them to make sure that a dog or cat has space, amenities & toys....
Cruel is cruel, but it seems it's only only actionable when there's a human spotlight shone on it No need to do it out of common care for the critter...

Sorry, I do know this is a Welcome home Goldie post. But was she saved from these awful conditions and how many die in them? I don't aim to denigrate Goldies good fortune at all, not this wonderful family addition. How can you make people care about all those betas in cups tho til you they see one out of it and living happily?

I hope Goldie stirs someone else to save & enhance a life that's in a cell too small for the body,and cruelly clear to see the big world outside.
Your post was my push. Goldie is my goad. I'm gonna go get a betta. I can't do it worse than where it is now. Whatever freedom to swim it has, it has that befoe it dies in a cup in a shelf in Petcetera.

So - Goldie - chalk one kid given a better life up to you!
Soldrak and I are glad that we have recruited another person to the betta-side. hehe Just becareful though 1 quickly becomes....5, 6, 7...more 0.o lol, or also known as MBS: Multiple betta syndrome.

I fixed the link...I had typed it out and well I have horrid typing skills you have no clue how many times I have gone back to fix my typing just to make it read-able already. It better work now....=)

The cups are not so bad as they are (supposed to be) temperary and some stores are getting larger ones to hold bettas...while some do not. But if you look at what thailand breeders tend to use (where bettas originate from) then the cups can look rather roomy. The problem with the cups is that employees do not keep them clean so the fish get sick, they are stacked wrongly and air cannot flow in making it hard for them to breathe, they get knocked over, bettas may not sell and stay in them to long, people use them as permanant(sp?) homes, people can easily put two together allowing them to fight and so many reasons.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. =)
I had 11 bettas about 6 months ago before i moved to nl.
My mom has them now, and adores them.

This website is where i learned all about them

Bettas should have at least 2 gallons and have heaters in their tanks.
Each of my fish had five gallons to themselves. Spoiled little fishies.

Your fish are gorgeous, randomrat. :heart: :heart: makes me miss my fishies.