New babies need names!

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New Member
Nov 16, 2018
Fargo, ND
These two little ladies are about 6 weeks old! One is a "black silvermane", standard-coat dumbo, the other is what I suspect to be a lilac velveteen, variegated with blaze.

Both girls are sweet and seem to be adjusting to their new Critter Nation nicely. I'm putting poops in the litter pan with Yesterday's News litter and blotting up pee spots with a napkin I'm also keeping in the litter pan. At least one girl is using the litter pan occasionally as I'm seeing more poops in there and fewer around on the fleece. I have them on HT2014 and showed them their water bottle and made sure they both used it so I know they're being hydrated.

Blaze girl LOVES spinach, Silvermane likes carrots, neither loved the apple pieces and both like their apple twigs.

Goodness help me, they need names! Our kiddos want to call them Rainbow-y , Donut-y, SpiderGirl, Godzilla or King Ghiadorrah. Yikes! We've also offered up Pickle and Waffles, Waffles was liked so one may be Waffles. What do you guys think? Any ideas?
How about holiday names? Like silver bell (or just Belle) and Holly? I'm not really good on names. Mine are all food names. I love food, so....:p I like to see the personality of mine before I can name them. LOL
Omg so cuuuute! Cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, ginger, chai, marshmallow, candy cane, maple... I’m trying to think of cozy winter names haha and the last one just kinda goes with waffle lol.

I had a rat named pinecone, and one named cranberry they kinda had winter names. Pinecone had brown curly hair and cranberry has pretty ruby eyes so it matched their appearance!
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Thanks!! Yeah, they’re pretty sweet, still a little nervous but I’ve been trying to give time to adjust and being gentle in our approaches =)
Our 3yo named the silvermane “Pepper” which is pretty stinking cute! So now we have to decide if we call the blaze “Snowflake” like my 5yo likes or “Waffles” or something else! Love the cozy names, though!!

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