Never bruxing anymore

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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2014
I have a bit strange question. My ratties alsmost never brux anymore. I spoil them to bits and they have everything they need. Plenty of space, cagemates, huge and clean cage with lots of toys, hammocks, shredding paper and climbeys, complete rat blocks supplemented with veggies and a piece of fruit or other snack every now and then... They get to play in my living room almost every day and receive plenty of snuggles. They look healthy and active and come running whenever I am near. As soon as I have a slight suspicion one might be sick I take them to the vet. So why don't they brux? Are they simply not bruxers or am I missing something they need to be happy?
They may just not brux.. doesn't mean they're not happy! For example, my mom has a dog that doesn't wag his tail! We actually thought something was physically wrong with him when he was a baby because of it. The only time I've ever seen his tail move is if he's sleeping and having a dream. But he has other ways of letting us know he's happy or excited. It's possible your rats could be the same way.

And some of my rats brux and boggle like crazy as soon as I'm in the same room as them, and others rarely brux and choose to greet me by licking my fingers instead, but I know they're all content and can tell when they're happy to see me (or when they're being sassy and not happy to see me :p). Each rat has a different way of being.

It sounds like you take great care of them and I'm sure they're very happy!
My rats rarely brux - just my little girl Juno and Tabi. I don't know if I've even heard the others brux. I really don't worry about it as long as they seem happy.
My babies seem very happy as well, but on the internet it is always implied that every rat bruxes, like almost every cat purrs. I am glad I didn't miss something. Thanks for the help!

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