My bettas *pics*

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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
Barrie, ON
There is no fish sub-section so I figured it would be ok here. If not then um where does it belong? *shrugs*

Anyways first we have Cherry. I just got her yesterday. In these pics she is still settling in and her colour isn't full on but today she has settled in more and she looks great, she is so friendly always at the front of her tank lookign out.







Sly is technically my sisters betta but I pay for him and take care of him so I consider him mine, hehe. He isn't the brightest bulb but he loves to see people.




Riddick is my big tough guy. He loves acting tough and flaring and now that he has another betta to look at (Cherry) he is quite excited.





Venus is another female betta. She lives in a 20 gallon with some small algae eaters and a guppy. Eventually Cherry and some more female bettas will move in with her. Venus loves to chase my finger along the front of the tank. <3


Venus and Tequila the guppy:


Cherry's tank:

The three bowls lined up:

And the 20 gallon:
I miss my bettas terribly... I had one named Jimmy that was with me almost 5 years, he moved to and from Alabama with me, and went on lots of road trips. We had a jar that fit in the cup holder of our van perfectly, and that was his travel jar. If I put it outside of his bowl (gigantic vase thing) he would freak out and get so excited... I think he recognized the pattern on the lid of the jar, and he must of liked road trips.

Jimmy was the bestest fish evar.
How pretty! Thanks for sharing because I was always wondering what they look like (OK I could have googled). I didn't know they come in different colors and shapes.
moon said:
I miss my bettas terribly... I had one named Jimmy that was with me almost 5 years, he moved to and from Alabama with me, and went on lots of road trips.

Oh wow, I'm so relieved to read that! I picked up a betta fish that came with a peace lily (terrible combo!) and immediately separated the two...this was back in September, and both are thriving! I read they only live a year or two, and I'm happy he may live longer. I have a terrible track record with fish so I stopped trying, but this guy's a trooper! He really, really did not do well when I traveled though. I had to move him from Guelph to Toronto and he went from his deep red to a pale, pale shade. :( It really stressed him out. I wish I knew how to make it easier for him as he'll be going back with me in August.

Thanks for sharing those photos, they're really lovely. : D
Jimmy sounded like an awesome fish! And wow five years that is amazing!!

Bettas have the same life span as rats really but some can live pretty long I think the oldest known bettas was like 9 years old.

Road trips. *edit* there was a topic on a betta fourm so I looked into it and what most people do is put them in bags (like the have at pet stores for some fish) that way they don't hit themselves on the side of the cups/jars and get hurt on a bumby ride.

Thanks guys!! =)
They're so pretty! I have a tailbiting halfmoon named Jaafar, he is my honorary rat. :) He's in a bowl for ease of cleaning, the 10 gallon tank was just too big for me to clean. He's lovely, and makes bubble nests for me every day :)
Oh I think it was the constant movement of the water that was doing it, though I'm no expert! I'll try a bag next time. :)

And 9 years!? I'm lucky he's so low maintenance, lol. Yes those bubble nests are really cute. :D
KayRatz said:
They're so pretty! I have a tailbiting halfmoon named Jaafar, he is my honorary rat. :) He's in a bowl for ease of cleaning, the 10 gallon tank was just too big for me to clean. He's lovely, and makes bubble nests for me every day :)

Halfmoons are awesome <3

I used to have one of mine in a 10 gallon but it was cycled so I only had to do 30% water changes weekly. I love when mine make bubblenests. Riddick can make some massive ones but hasn't lately...maybe with this thunder storm coming in he will. In the wild when there is a thunder storm it means more water, more food and more room to breed in so they tend to make more bubble nests if there is a storm.

Yeah I read it in some article but this betta was on a high quality diet, natural setup and excersized daily. But it can be done hehe.

:O Please get your bettas bigger tanks, and heaters. The MINIMAL size of a tank that a betta should be in is two gallons, that has a low current filter, a heater, and an air stone. Also, their tanks should have a cover on them, Bettas like to jump.

Bettas actually breate from the top of the water, they breathe air like we do, so the more open space you have at the top of the tank, the better.

The typical guideline for fish in a tank is 1 gallon per inch of fish
They are tropical fish, and need heaters in their tanks to thrive. Without heaters your fish can get diseases and fin/tail rot. They need to be in water with a temperature between 70°F - 85°F.

In small tanks, it is harder to keep your water parameters even all the time. (Such as pH, amonia, nitrites and nitrates) So it's best to use a tank that is 5 + gallons (if possible)

One more thing i'd like to point out

Riddick is my big tough guy. He loves acting tough and flaring and now that he has another betta to look at (Cherry) he is quite excited.

If your male betta can see your female, it will cause him to constantly flare (same as if he can see the other males.) This will cause your fish loads of stress, and could eventually cause him death.
Tarah said:
:O Please get your bettas bigger tanks, and heaters. The MINIMAL size of a tank that a betta should be in is two gallons, that has a low current filter, a heater, and an air stone. Also, their tanks should have a cover on them, Bettas like to jump.

Bettas actually breate from the top of the water, they breathe air like we do, so the more open space you have at the top of the tank, the better.

The typical guideline for fish in a tank is 1 gallon per inch of fish
They are tropical fish, and need heaters in their tanks to thrive. Without heaters your fish can get diseases and fin/tail rot. They need to be in water with a temperature between 70°F - 85°F.

In small tanks, it is harder to keep your water parameters even all the time. (Such as pH, amonia, nitrites and nitrates) So it's best to use a tank that is 5 + gallons (if possible)

One more thing i'd like to point out

Riddick is my big tough guy. He loves acting tough and flaring and now that he has another betta to look at (Cherry) he is quite excited.

If your male betta can see your female, it will cause him to constantly flare (same as if he can see the other males.) This will cause your fish loads of stress, and could eventually cause him death.

I have a betta that I got from my son's girlfriend...... I was supposed to baby sit him for the summer (last summer) but When she came home decided she didn't want him any more.He was in a tiny cube when I got him....I bought him a bigger tank.......with a cover, but was told he didn't need a heater. I will certainly get him the things he needs.....any suggestions for "toys"
I have a sweet little red betta named Zeke with my boyfriend. He lives alone in a 5 litre(I beleive, may be wrong) with some fake plants and gravel. We are lookign for a nice hide for him, right now he just has a little one on the bottom of a silk plant, and maybe getting a snail. The only issue I have is I had to unplug the filter and do major gravel and water cleaning because the water flow was much too strong and I have to get him a lower flow one. He is doing well though, and eats 1-3 tiny pellets a day with one day a week fasting which seems to be working so far...Pictures later with any luck :D
As for toys for Betta fish, make sure any artificial pants you buy are fabric and not plastic, as plastic will tear their delicate fins.

Ideal toys would be things they can swim through (tubes for hamster cages work great) or any decorations they can swim and hide in are excellent.

What do you feed it?