Moving the food?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2009
Indiana, USA
Diego has this thing that he wants to carry each piece of food individually up and put it their bed~Why? Does he feel like it is his job? Is he just crazy? It does entertain us because he does it very quickly. Does he look crazy to you? LOL!

(9 weeks old Siamese Rex Dumbo)
Aw that's sweet. My Olivia does this. She takes each piece of food to the top level for keeping. One piece at a time.
Is it common for some rats to do it? Or is it some sort of disorder? :laugh4: Or maybe he is trying to make me think they are out of food and need more! :cheeky: He is very active and LOVES attention from us! He will run up as soon as you open the door and jump into your hand! Rizzo is my kissy licker and Diego lays his little head on my nose! :heart: Archie is the mello fellow. He loves everyone all the time and just follows the other two around. He just stretches out on me and waits to get he full body rub down. So cute!
So will this be a personality trait for life or do they change their habits? I think it's cute to watch. I just have to make sure I get the perishable food back out of there so I check it 1-2 times a day. Kids! LOL! Gotta love them! :heart:
Some rats will start out as stashers and stop one day, others may pick it up out of nowhere even when they are mature. It's a funny behavior and I love to watch them doing it :D