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Ok so I'm still confused by the lab rat types. What are each type like. I mean I understand bareback, hooded, pew. I am also confused as to what roans are.
I'm so glad to finally meet Jack, and that you're bringing home some brothers for him! We will require numerous photos.
jorats said:
Jack's_Girl said:
(I think sometimes he knows this too.)

That's cause someone keeps telling him. :wink:

:oops: There may be some truth in this.... but I won't answer on the grounds that I may incriminate myself. lol. :lol:

As to the lab rat types, the one I know are: The Sprague-Dawleys are like your PEWs. Long-Evans are typically black-hooded with Satin coats. Listers are similar to Long-Evans rats but have a more normal coat. Sometimes listers are gray-hooded.
Ummm, that's the only ones that come to mind right now.
I love Sprague-Dawleys. ^_^. Unfortunately, all the sprague-dawleys I have worked with ended up euthanized for the tissues. :(