Meet Pele My Brave Baby Girl

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
Pele was born to a tiny young micro-eyed mom who was meant to feed a couples snake. The snake wasn't hungry so the young ratgirl got a reprieve, long enough to give birth to 9 pups. The wife of the couple decided that it was a sign and decided she had 24 hours to find this new family a home before they were returned back to the feeder bin. Kaia linked me to the situation and I discovered she was a 15 minute walk from my home. :)
Mira and her babies came home and all was well for about 12 days. Then an orphaned litter had to join her and her family as I had the only nursing mom.
Pele at this point was “one of the PEW girls” without a name, I was worrying more about her tiny foster sister Lyra at this time.
This all changed when I took the extended family to my moms in the country for the weekend. I woke up at 3 am on the couch to a horrific shriek, rushed to the cage on the desk and found this little girl up in the corner gasping and bleeding from her face. I pulled her out, then moved the whole cage to a standalone table. I realized my mom must’ve had a wildie in her home that bit Pele’s nose and yanked. :( I stayed up with Pele in my hands or cuddled to my neck from then on. She was gasping and swallowing all that blood. I got pics of her a few hours later


She was so sore and swollen she was unable to nurse, eat or drink, and for a day or so I was very hesitant on trying to syringe anything into her as she was gasping. She preferred licking the formula off my finger.

But my brave, brave baby now named Pele ended up living in me when I was home, taking comfort in my hands, submitting to the nastiness of metacam and antibiotics, and after many up and downs started slowly coming around.

She became friends with a very elderly gentle boy called Nigel that she would share dinner with and cuddle up to.



It was around this time I started noticing some strange mannerisms. She was constantly flapping her gums and rolling her tongue out of her mouth. Often lifting her head up like a Hydro baby might. Seemed to have a disconnect between her mouth and her stiffly outstretched front legs, but she wasn't clumsy in her hind leg scratching and was very deft at that. Once those waving front legs caught my finger, she was able to lick things off of it pretty well. Then 2 days ago she started sort of chewing a little.

Here are a few videos of my lovely baby…

Dec. 13th

Both of these are from Dec. 19th

So it looks like this will be an ongoing thread for my brave baby, who is learning to play, eat “solids” and get into a bit of trouble lol
Oh sweet baby! She's definitely got spirit. Nigel is a little darling. Even though her nose looks sore, she honesty looks as though she's having a blast. She's just lovely.
Oh bless her

Sorry to hear about Nigel! He looked as though he was a little sweetie

I think she's just sore - I'm sure she'll make a full recovery

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