Martin's Playpen!

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Oct 15, 2010
2 or 3 days ago I decided to break down and get a martin's playpen. Now all I can ask myself is why didnt i do this sooner! This is amazing! It huge. I hated the idea of taking the rats out of one cage and putting them in another. Which is the main reason I did not order it. That isn't the case at all once you see the rats in it.

I will have to work on getting stuff to put in it.


Jett and Dayne the reason I ordered it. I tried out time on the couch and they are horrible to watch LOL Right now jett is climbing across the top of the lid. Upside down lol

I had the four bigger girls from eagle then we have the 3 girls that will go with the big group. I wanted to start intros figured now was as good as any since no one knows this pen.

I love it and it is huge. My intro's could have been so much easier with this, I now have a place to intro the other groups and it will hold them in there which is utterly amazing. I can toss rats in to clean cages, omg the uses go on and on.

totally thrilled with our new rattie playpen! I am excited because my smaller groups can get daily out time since the girls are intact still and small, and so is ace. I can have a bit of freedom with them so excited.
oh yeh the Martins' play pen is awesome!

so glad you got one, you're gonna love it! well I see, you already do lol

I've had and sold three of those things-
the only reason I don't keep them is because it's so hard on my back, bending to get them in and out.
But then I wish I had one and I get another one and remember why I didn't keep the last one :emb: :lol:

Beside my guys are so spoiled now, they will not do anything as far as playing goes unless they have access to their biggest toy (me) and I am not able to get into the playpen, can't get my short legs over the sides

You can't beat the playpens for babies and young rats, and in a pinch if you've got something thick to cover the floor with, the playpen can make a great temp cage.

I kept some fosters in a playpen and they loved it. They weren't able to climb levels so they dind't miss that part of having a cage.
I am already thinking about ordering the smaller one for the living room and using this to keep the boys occupied when I cant watch them 100% I have to do some renovations in the rat room since bowie dont like to be contained and has chewed through all my coroplast LOL
did you see the new one with the bottom pan that comes with it? that one is really cool!

you can also request them to put a door in the side, I did that on the one that the fosters were in, so I could have them walk out the door to me (luckily they would come to me, so I didn't have to go after them)

it costs more but it wasn't a whole lot more.
you can tell them roughly how big you want the door and where you want it, too and they'll get it as close to what you want as they possibly can, and check with you first if what they plan to do will work for you

very nice family business
That is interesting. I didnt see the one with the bottom. I will have to look if and when I order the other one. I dont know that I would want the door because I like that they cant get out of it.

I put the rexzillas in there. I am hoping they adjust. They are all hiding under a white box. I would love to be able to keep them out on the floor for out time but who knows these boys are demons. Everything causes fights with them.
the one with the pan is just a bit smaller the large playpen but costs more because of the pan

The Rat Playpen with Pan (PWP-RAT)

The playpen with pan can be used like our standard playpens, or use this special playpen as a cage. Pan is included with this playpen. Great as a hospital cage since there are no levels... or add your own levels if desired. Flip-top lid can open half at a time. Playpen folds flat for storage.

Measures 36" wide x 30" deep x 24" high
Made out of 1/2" x 1" black powder coated wire
Flip-top lid
Collapsible for easy transport and storage

$85 before adding shipping and insurance though so it ain't cheap
I Like the dimensions better because I have tables that this one would fit on.

I have shoulder injuries, too, that made opening the top of the large playpen hard for me to do (sad, I know, does it look like that would be hard for anyone to do? :roll: )

Hope the Rexzillas calm down
silly guys
I love my Martins playpen, and it is so useful that it was worth the shipping costs to Canada(but would deke across the border if I had to do it again).

Mine is filled with hammocks and tubes, so there are lots of places to hide and to sleep. Maybe your shy ones would perk up if you ordered one of those ferret tunnels for them.Martins sells them at a
Very reasonable price, and you will have months of fun watching them race through it.
I have tunnels I also have pvc pipe. I have tons of stuff around the house but I didnt have it washed or around to put in. I have a few more things in there now and the young boys in it. The rexzillas are hormonal and a rat of their own type. After a while they began coming out. I am sure after a some more time they will catch on. the young ones are happy though. I do need to work on some hammocks to hang up for them that would rock but not tonight LOL
Looks great! I've always wanted one & had planned on getting one. Since I soon won't have rats for awhile though my guess is I'll get one in a few years when I'll have rattums again :D my rats have always played on my bed but I bet a playpen would be soo much easier.
Have to chime in here. I have the Martin's playpen that comes with the cage bottom and I adore it. I was a bit worried about escapees since the bottom doesn't attach to the wire, the just sits in the pan. So I drilled 2 small holes in each side so I could zip tie them together. Using it as a cage it's not so bad not having a door, since I have younger rats who all are happy to climb up onto the shelf I added. For oldies though a door would be nice. Absolutely love how easy it is to break down and clean, and my rats seem to love it.
:giggle: I just bookmarked this thread. Since BF is not very happy that the office is also becoming the rat room, that might be a good option. I have noticed the rats will run around the room, explore, and play with us for the first 30 minutes, but then, they mostly go to a favorite hiding place and relax.

I could ask Melissa for a custom liner for the playpen... and get one wheel out of the DCN since I'm going down in number in rats... and I have that wine bottle holder from IKEA that I bought for the rats and still haven't used... and we could let them out in the living room, too, if we wanted to... and I could take them outside along with the guinea pigs - heck, I could use it for the guinea pigs too!

My brain is in boiling mode... DANGER! :laugh4:
I love it. I have the 7 girls in there again right now. Their intros were done in it. They seem to get along great.
so glad you are loving your playpen...I know I love mine. I have a large one...and a small one. I am tempted to get a pan made for my small one and use it for a cage....lots of floor space.