Jessica's having surgery tomorrow =/

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Senior Member
Feb 22, 2011
Waterloo, Ontario
Jessica was more or less handed to me last week once my mother in law's friend saw how I care for my babies. We aren't sure of her age but she's definitely on the older side.

Jessica started showing some concerning signs of illness just as quickly as she came into my life. After getting the opinion of an e-vet and our regular vet it has been confirmed she has pyometra. Tomorrow she goes in for a spay. I'm a basket case. I worry she will never have the opportunity to actually enjoy life.

Sadly she got sick so fast I haven't taken pictures of her yet but once the surgery is over and she has had some time to heal I'd love to introduce Jessica to the Shack.
Best of luck to your girlie today! I'm sure she will be fine!
My girl went for surgery last week so I know how nerve wracking it can be, hang in there!

Looking forward to pictures of Jessica!
You're giving her the opportunity to finally enjoy her life; you have a good heart. Just keep sending her loving/healing wishes, and she will sail through her surgery and be home recuperating with you soon. Since rats CAN eat before surgery (they don't vomit) see that she has something ahead of time, and bring in something like some baby food for her, for them to offer to her post-surgery. Also make sure they keep her warm during and after surgery (they have heated pads they can put around them), and that they provide you with proper pain meds aftewards. Sending luck and healing to her!
Thanks you guys. I really appreciate your support. I'm very sad to say there were complications during surgery and Jessica didn't make it.
Thanks you guys! I'm very sad but trying hard to believe everything happens for a reason. I promised Jessica I would take in a rescue(s) and treat them the way I wish Jessica could have been treated. Of course in our time together she was well cared for but I feel like she didn't get to fully enjoy it considering how ill she got and how quickly.

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