Jazzy has abdominal swelling

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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2007
Baltimore, MD, USA
About a month or so ago I wrote in and said Jazzy had what I thought was the begining of a mammary tumor near her front arm..well that disappeared! Now she has been acting a litle strange for the past week. Such staying to her hammock for most of the time. She' still eating & drinking. To complicate things I had just put Branwen in the cage with Jazzy so I thought it was just an adjustment period that was keeping them rather quite. Tonight I find Jazzy's lower abdominal area swollen. I was thinking it may be something to do with the bladder or mabe it ws the lymph nodes? She is hanging in my neck hoodie tha I made to carry her around in. She is usually more active. I just started her on amoxy. Any suggestions?
It's hard to say... could be an internal tumour or it could be some sort of infection. I'd recommend bringing her to a vet, the could palpate the stomach and see if there's anything inside.
Why did you start her on amoxy?
Yah I would seriously take her to the vet Julie. Could be many different things that could be causing that, and if it happens to be a closed pyometra and you are not seeing discharge, it could burst internally and cause her to go septic. Vet visit is definitely a good idea.
The abdomen is soft and rather squishy. She doesn't seem to be annoyed by me touching her there. I originally put Jazzy on amoxy because she had started sneezing. Then after reading some info regarding swelling in the abdomen I thought it couldn't hurt since it may even be a problem with the bladder, such as an infection. She seems to be eating normally. I don't see her drinking to excess which is a good sign. I do agree it is wise for me to take her to a vet to be seen. I'll keep you up to date.

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