It's been an exciting weekend.

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Melissa's ZOO

Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2007
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
For one I will be getting two new girlie's hopefully. A lady I meet on Myspace who lives in the same town as me had an accidental litter. Her girly got out one day and went exploring, and SURPRISE 11 little babies.

I am so excited, they are only 4 days old right now. Mom is an Agouti with white marks and Dad is almost all white with a patch over his eye. I am hoping for two Agouti and white girls. I would have to say I love the little brown sewer rat look :wink:

And this morning, when I looked in on the girls everything was fine, gave everyone a treat and started to get ready for work. Went to say bye to everyone and notice Sunflower, my youngest had a huge gash on her head right above her eye. I checked everyone else for a battle wound and nothing. I wonder if she tried to squeeze her head somewhere it did not belong. Or is she tried to steel someone treat and got attacked. Anyways, wiped it off checked her for other wounds and put neosporin on it. But of course the minute I put her back in the cage everyone went to licking it off. Oh, well I will just keep an eye on it and make sure it heals and does not get infected. :wink:
Thanks, Sunflower is fine. It amazing at how quickly they heal. But when I got home poor Lilly my oldest had hurt her front paw, she refuses to put weight on it and I could see where he toe nail was bruised. So they are obviously getting into something. I gave Lilly some Ibuprofen last night and this morning to help with the pain and was not as swollen this morning and she was using it more.
It's so exciting when you can follow the rats from birth. It was so much fun for a few of my rats coming from an oops litter and following their progress which made it even harder waiting to finally pick them up.

I so agree with you, agouti is a beautiful look.
jorats said:
It's so exciting when you can follow the rats from birth. It was so much fun for a few of my rats coming from an oops litter and following their progress which made it even harder waiting to finally pick them up.

I completely agree! I'd love to own a rat from birth. It's amazing looking at their progress. But unfortunately rats don't often come in one's or two's. :lol:
I am so excited to watch them grow and get their fur/color and open their eyes. And to know their exact birth dates, is awesome. All of my girls came from pet stores so I am just guessing at how old they are.
Melissa's ZOO said:
I know I think they are worse than horses when it comes to getting hurt.
You know. Some people here probably don't get that comment as fully as I do. But I had to laugh. And I gotta tell you this story, even though it doesn't belong here... Because getting hurt in dumb ways is definitely an equine talent. :lol:

I once had a gelding arab who tried to jump a fence and ended up impaling himself through the shoulder with a t-post. That same horse gave himself a concussion in a trailer not six months later, and had to spend three weeks in a head bandage fly mask deal that made him look like a KKK horse. He was also super clumsy and would fall occasionally when running around being silly, and he managed to tear a ligament in his neck doing an impromptu somersault in a field. A few years later he managed to break loose and get into the utility shed where he collicked himself on grass seed. (Ate the whole damn 20lb bag!) Recovered after a costly weekend at the vet's and then promptly foundered because of it. He's still around. He's a 4-H horse now and he has to wear special shoes to help correct his cronic Laminitis. He's mellowed out a little. His name is Royal Lark, but everyone calls him by his nickname. "Trouble"
I had a buckskin gelding that was forever doing the same stupid stuff. Once he decided to go in this huge and I mean huge mud hole that was so deep it was to his chest and my dad had to get the truck and pull him out by his head. No kidding. Then he ran trough a stall door slicing his shoulder wide open, I could stick my fist in the wound. He ate a bag of nails, yeah a bag of nails. He freaked out one day while I was saddling him yanked the post right out of the concrete and smashed it through a truck window. Then his dumb ass spooked in the barn and when he tried to take off he slipped smashing his knee on the concrete busting it wide open.

I am sure there is more to what Dandy did but after the knee he was never the same and seemed as if he always managed to break it back open. I grew up with horses and I would have to say I prefer to never own one again. I love them and love to ride but I will ride someone elses so they can deal with the stupid stuff they get them selves into and the thousands of medical bills.
Melissa's ZOO said:
I grew up with horses and I would have to say I prefer to never own one again. I love them and love to ride but I will ride someone elses so they can deal with the stupid stuff they get them selves into and the thousands of medical bills.

It can get expensive. I dont have any right now, but I cant say that I wouldn't have them again. I just love taking care of them, even if they do get hurt and are expensive to fix. :roll: I just get so depressed when I look outside and see my big 6 stall barn completely empty. I didn't know what to do with myself this last summer, with no fencing to put up in the outer fields, and no pasture routine.... Heck, I even miss hauling water. :D Now you know I'm horse crazy! :lol:
Melissa's ZOO said:
Yeah, I would agree you are horse crazy.

Welllllll...... I do have a 4-wheeler with a pack-rat trailer, so when I say "Hauling" water to the fields, I really mean 4-wheeling water to the fields. :giggle:

But seriously, after my old boys passed and I sold the only young one I had thinking I needed a break... I think I went a little nuts. :shock:

I'm gonna have to bring home a goat or something, just to get my livestock fix. :D Actually, goats would be fun. Hmmmmmmm........ :twisted: The folks are gonna kill me.
I don't know about goats in Alaska but I do know that here in the States goats are very hard to keep alive. I have a friend with a few and his vet told him that once they get a bug that's he should just prepare for the worst. I don't know maybe this vet is dumb, but my friend has lost a lot of his goats and none of his babies seem to survive. So just do your research :lol: