Introductions with babies

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Jan 1, 2013
Yorkshire UK
We have 2 bucks age 5 months and recently got 2 more babies aged approx 6 weeks. We have had the cages next to each other and while our big boys are free ranging they can climb around the babies cage. Day 1 of intros went well our Alpha wasn't too bad at all I was so proud of him. Day 2 (today) of intros was a bit tense our alpha was rather rough with the babies flipping and pinning kicking with his back legs and not very nice at all with them (but no blood and i dont know if it seemed worse than it was!) Our other big boy seems to want to protect the babies and has taken to them brilliantly. The size difference is pretty big, is this normal for the alpha to do this? I've been looking at videos on you tube but none seem to have the size difference we have. Advice on how bad things can look but not actually be quite so bad would be great or any advice for me would also be appreciated. Thanks
You should really wait till the babies are at least 8 weeks old, 10 weeks if the alpha is rough. They can be harmed by the bigger rats and even killed. It is important to do the scary intros to see how your older males will do then move slowly to make sure that they are ok with the next steps.
You've confirmed what I was thinking about leaving them till they are a bit bigger to take the rough and tumble a little better. Our alpha has been rather stressed this afternoon as well after there last meeting so I think a break for him will be good we're going to free range the babies away from where the older boys do as well so the Alpha doesn't feel threatened for a while. Hopefully by the time the babies are a little older he will be used to their smell and it won't be as bad?!? Or is this a bad idea. It's our 1st intros and I'm finding it rather stressful myself lol
Intros are stressful. You can switch out bedding and hammocks and so on to the alpha's cage from the babies to help him get used to the smell. I never found side by side cage to do anything than cause my big boys to burn calories from huffing and puffy at the cage bars. You can use the same place for out time it will help them adjust to smelling the other rats in "their" area. Some boys take longer to simmer down.
I agree with waiting until the babies are a bit bigger. But, I would continue to have both parties come out in the same area for play time. It may stress out the alpha, but your boys are only 5 months old, they can deal well with stress. This way, when they do meet again, it won't be that big of a deal because they have been exposed to their smell for some time.
Thanks very much I will leave off on the intros for a few weeks and allow the babies to play around in the same area as my big boys, can you give me any tips on helping my alpha to calm down he has been acting very strange for the whole afternoon especially when he was 1st let out of the cage to free range to the point of siding up to my hand and puffing up to me he has done this only once before a few weeks ago and after I put him on his back and groomed his belly he backed down, but I tried that today and it only made him worse!!! :( have you heard of Bachs rescue remedy?? I've heard a little about it but can't get any more info ideas for my big boy would be great, he is such a loving rat very sociable and friendly usually.
I would definitely get him neutered. Don't ever allow him to rub your hand or you in any way. He's being quite dominant. If you don't have a good vet for the neuter, then he will need some help controlling his hormonal surges. This will take a lot of patience and time.
The vets around me aren't massively up on rats :( they do do neutering of rats but I didn't want to risk an op without trying anything else 1st. What could you suggest in keeping him in check? On the whole he is a lovely cuddly rat with a personality like a little puppy bouncing to the cage door as soon as you walk into the room and fussing you as soon as you open he cage :)
What got me worried is his rubbing up on things. That can be just the beginning of worse bullying. But you can try to curb his drive. Each time he gets excited with the rubbing, put your hand over his body like a blanket to reassure him that he's ok. Press gently towards the floor. You'll have to take the intros very slow.