I Am Going to Need Help :(

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
I need to get Noshi (the adorable once-starving mink hoodie from the Scarborough rescue) neutered. In the past few days he has started really going after his brothers (I already had Noor neutered) and last night I had to pull him out and put him in a timeout cage.

This morning as I was in the bathroom, I heard a quick scuffle but it ended quickly.

I was putting my coat on and looked at my sweet passive Nigel (fawn dumbo lad) and saw blood dripping down the ceramic food bowl and off of his paw! He turned and I saw a huge bloody wound on his shoulder...he didn't seem bothered by it, but I got him to take some metacam from the syringe then had to fly out the door as I was late for work :( I didn't have time for anything else :(

Unfortunately Tosca's more expensive tumour removal tapped my funds and I won't have anything to spare for 2 weeks (I still owe for Pip's eye clean/debris removal yesterday).

I was wondering if there was anyone or several someones who could loan me money to get Noshi neutered ASAP. Its in the range of $120-150 for a neuter for me and I WILL have the money in 2 weeks when I deposit my "good" cheque (this one is mostly rent and a little food for me)

Thank you!
Older pic of Noshi on the left and his victim Nigel on the right...

Nigel looks too much like my beloved Piccolo for me not to help you get him snipped! :batbeat:

I sent a little something your way to help cover the cost... hope you'll get enough to de-hormone him quickly! :)

Rid with the goonads!!! They can be such monster makers sometimes...

Please let us know about Nigel when you get home...
That is awesome!
I love the rat shack, everyone here is so caring and loving. I just wish we could all have one giant, sappy rat-woodstock, where we all bring our furry rodents and holding paws sing kumbaya and protest for animal rights while crowded in a rat-petting circle... :crazzzy:
I thought Noor was the culprit as he was neutered for hormonal aggression a month ago, but he's a big fearful boy so I thought maybe he was frightened and lashing out.


Turns out to be the smallest goofiest boy...Noshi. He always looks like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth *giggle*


Nigel is okay, he's cleaned things up a lot and I am not disturbing any scabs that are going on.



I just seen this. If you need more let me know I can spare a few. I am glad he is getting in there. Hopefully he gets the happy face to go with the cute one he has now. He really is a looker.
Oh yea, he has that the gonads have to go look! Good luck tomorrow with the snip snip - should have behaved little fellow!!
Noshi and I are off to drop him off st the vet. We missed the bus since the subway train kept slamming on the brakes then stopping in the tunnels. I kept thinking we were either going to get dumped at the next station or have to evacuate thru the tunnels. The people standing (me included) got thrown soundcard lot and my perpetually bad back is starting to get sore and stiffen up...boooo
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