Howdy all :D

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
GTA, Ontario
Hey everyone. Love the new for-yum already! :wink:

So, my details:
4 rats - Maggie, Emma and two that are currently un-named and still in quarentine next door.
2 dogs - A geriatric beagle named Buttons, and Rocko, a shepherd x
7 cats - Annie, Salty, Motor, Little one (Flounder), Madonna, Squishie (Sasquatch), and Chewie.
2 Bearded Dragons - Red and Phillip
A whole whack of fish!

All the pets are technically spread amongst the family - I live with my fiancee (Mike) and his parents and 4 brothers.

I also own a doggie-daycare. So my days are positively filled with animals!
Well there's diversity with pets and surprising harmony with in-laws!
You must be either a very curious person or a very adaptable one, or both.
Nice to meetcha!
Fidget- I am very very fortunate to have the inlaws I have :love2: ... I count my blessings regarding my family-in-law regularly, as I am not as close with my parents and siblings as I'd like.

I would consider myself pretty adaptable. :D

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