How much is too much?

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Jul 29, 2009
Bend, Oregon
I have two boys, Ruger and Remington, that are around 3-4 months old. I got them from the pet store and put them together as they were cagemates at the store. They get along great, but will do a fair amount of wrestling. When it gets to one or the other getting vocal, thats when I step in. But it happens ALOT. Should I be worried? There has never been any blood or anything, and they do cuddle sometimes. Both boys are not fixed, as I just cannot do that to them.

My girls do the same thing! LOL. The girls, Cecee and Lucy, are about a month old. Also cagemates. Both are very loving but tend to be a bit rough with one another. The girls are also not altered. Any help would be great!
in both sets i would guess that they're still trying to figure out who is going to be dominant... my girls who are a year and half still sometimes get into it. dutchess (my dominant female) will wrestle the other girl, molly, and hump her. humping is a sign of dominance... my baby boys don't do it at all. well my two baby pews. one is too busy wandering to worry about anything else. haha... but when i let the two play with my new boy (doing introductions) things sometimes get crazy. wander still just wanders and sniffs petrie.. but cloud and petrie "box" fight, petrie humps both of them, they're all just trying to find out who is dominant. and my boys are all basically 2 months. i normally let them do their thing, i wouldn't seperate them unless there's blood or someone is beginning to bite someone else...
was gonna ask the same thing...why not neuter? If I had a local vet who would do a neuter then I'd save up and have at least 2 of my boys neutered just to cut back on puffy hissing when Buddha steals Percy's favorite hammock :giggle:
Yeah, I am thinking about neutering my boy Leonard. I might not since he's not as aggressive as I once thought.

But neutering really shouldn't be viewed as an awful thing here.

It's not as if our boy's are gonna be like, "Oh damn, where'd my nuts go!?". It really isn't that big of a deal.
*snorts* hehehehehe No I'm sure they wouldn't make that's not like they care if they have toodles or not...they still hump even without 'em :cheeky:
Do you have your girls in close proximity to your boys? If so, they are hormonally charged by the girls scent even if they are across the room, rats can smell other rats and that's very stressful. I suggest a neuter for both boys or remove the girls from the same room. Don't allow the boys to smell the girls ever... you would have to change clothes in between sets of rats.
*sulks* i wish saving money went faster....i'm trying to save up and get my three girls spayed to mix my colony. I have a feeling my hairless female would soooo love to snuggle up to some big manrats and their warm toodles hehehehehe :cheeky: