Hi! I'm new here! Meet me and my new rattie girls!

The Rat Shack Forum

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Heyo! My screen name is gawgeouspaws (obviously), but you can call me Olivia if you would like. Let's see, what is there to tell about me? I've only ever had betta fish and hamsters as pets (unless you count my sister's gerbil [RIP Obi Wan Kanobi] and my still alive [YAY] dog). But as far as personal pets, I've only ever had hamsters and fish. I'd been wanting a rat ever since my last hamster (RIP Tilly) had died. I studied up on them, making cage plans and such. Finally I popped the question. "Mom, can I get rats?" Her answer was a flat NO. At first. Then, a couple days ago, when we went to the pet store to get a new hamster. While I attempted to focus on the hamsters, I just couldn't stop looking at the just weaned baby rats. After a long and informative talk with a very helpful employee, I took home my two baby girls. Just imagine the thoughts that were roiling inside my head. My dream was fulfilled! I have pet rats! :cloud9: :dance: :joy: I was ecstatic! Currently my babies live in a spare hamster cage I had. The cage isn't big, and DEFINITELY will not be their forever cage, but for right now it's just the perfect size. The first girl I picked out is a brown hooded little girl whom I have named, Penelope (or Penny/Pippa for short). Little Penelope is rather tiny right now, at least compared to her "sister", Henrietta. Henrietta is a black hooded dumbo eared girl, and is about 1/3 bigger than little Penelope. We call Henrietta "Henny" for short. It's quite adorable to see Henny boss Penny around, and then curl up with her later to keep her little "sister" warm. I love my new little girls, and so I joined this forum so I could meet other people who love their rats just as much as I do, even though I've only had my babies for a couple days. :D
Hello! I have two little girl rat, as well. I love them and since I got my first girl, Navi, rats have definitely become my favorite type of pet. They are so sweet. :heart:
Heya! And welcome :) you will totally love it here. And it's awesome you finally get to have rats they make the best pets and btw your little girls are just beautiful. Glad you decided to join the shack ;) it's great for posting questions as a new rat owner as well :D
You'll love having rats; they are fantastic pets. And you have so much helpful info here to aid you in taking good care of them. So glad you got two, and so glad they got a good home. Have fun with your babies, and nice to meet you! :)